posted on Jul, 30 2005 @ 12:59 PM
Well wow, as a long time user of SETI@Home I used many utilities over the years and one of the main ones was SETI Spy. For the first time today in
all these years I noticed a weird button in the "about" tab named "PSC". Curious I clicked it and it took me to a website where the author Roelof
J. Engelbrecht notified everyone that he was diagnosed with a rare liver disease and he was accepting donations. I was sadened at the news and was
equally mystified that I have never heard anything about this before.
So I was about to type up a post here on ATS notifying you all in this SETI section with a link to his site he is asking for donations for medical treatment when I noticed the date of his last update was
09/12/2003, 2 years ago... So I did a search on yahoo for his name and found a weblog of his, this is where the horrible news came in, I’ll let you
read it for yourself.
My prayers go out to him and his family.
[edit on 30-7-2005 by d1k]