The shuttle was great but its time to be moving on, I love it but its too old the shuttle is no b52. What projects are being looking at and has there
been any news about any new research on new projects?
Will the foam coming off still cause nasa to realize that other nations are caughting up and that its time to move out of the late 70's?
I think its pretty funny that we have come soo complacent with our space agency that the shuttle isnt mindblowing anymore. It kinda reflects the whole
american culture. We get tired of stuff real easy. I mean we are teh only country that has a "shuttle" program. This thing is taking people off of
this planet that we have stayed on for thousands of years. I think that triumph is worth the WOW factor still. Yes i would love to see some new
Aparently NASA could have returned to the old method that put the foam on the take by simply applying for the correct EPA permit, but chose the PC
route on it.
I am guessing that if this mission ends how columbia did that will put the final nail in NASA's coffin as far as Manned space exploration goes. I
cant see anyway out of it for NASA. Now that its out that they took the PC way out in fixing the errant foam problem on the tank. And maybe its time
for NASA to step back and let another angency take over the work of manned space exploration. They really have not done anything great in that area
since the Moon missions. Whats that been 30 or 40 years and thats been it?! I think that a civ. agency could take it over and do a lot better then
NASA has.