posted on Jul, 29 2005 @ 02:59 PM
Im not sure exactly what to make of this, im not sure whether it was a UFO(s) or some strange weather anomaly.
I was flying over the atlantic about midday local time, approximatley 1000 miles off the coast of america, and there was a large cloud beside the
plane, not sure why but it seemed brighter than the rest of the clouds, then I saw what looked like 2 metal spheres quite large, im guesstimating here
but, about 30ft in length? As we flew past them the suns light reflected off them giving off a really blinding flash, the same as when you fly over a
city and the sun reflects of the car windshields below. Alot of people on the plane closed there window blind as soon as it got too bright, but no one
appeared to off seen anything. The pilot banked the plane quite sharply to the right as this cloud was on the left, but I guess it could of been
because this cloud was so bright?. I think the spheres may have been rotating, and they looked kind of wet?
but I only caught a glimpse for
perhaps 4-5 seconds, before the person beside me closed the blind.
Im not sure if this is just a weird weather thing, I havn't heard of, or a UFO.
Any feedback on this would be much appreciated.