posted on Aug, 2 2005 @ 09:09 AM
The president wreaks havoc amongst general aviation. Wherever he is, there is a 30 mile diameter zone where next to no one can fly. Come into that
zone and yeah you'll be escorted to the ground. Chances are though that you were in or near a large city, where police would be able to get to
The space shuttle no doubt has a similar thing, but the difference is that it's in more of a rural setting. The police hadn't shown up yet because
they had to be called out there and then navigate to the airport. Obviously the F-16s or whatever other intercept aircraft there were couldn't land
at the airport, and even if they did the pilot of the light plane could have still gotten out and run away. Once the plane is on the ground and
stopped just get out and start running... The F-16s would take A LOT longer to come to a stop and get shut down.
It's really not that far fetched that the guy ran away.