posted on Aug, 26 2003 @ 11:48 AM
Scientology capital of the world, and I've lived there also. Scientology is nothing but a Cult really. However, it operates a little differently,
in that unlike most cults, who like to take people's money and give them nothing in is a big networking orgy, where scientologists throw
money and clients, etc. to other scientologists (who of course, give to the "church" and pay for "classes"). Dianetics, is kind of the "bible"
for them, but the basic jist is this...
All things bad in your life are the result of engrams (bad things that happened to you when you were in an unconscious moment), and that in order to
move forward, you have to remove these engrams and become a "clear". To become a clear of course, you must attend Dianetic "classes". Well
established business owners join the cult also, but if one is young, and just starting out, they may join as a business opportunity, and be guaranteed
a job at one of the other Scientologist's business, etc. while they are in training...and they also get living quarters out of the exchange
for trying to spread the word (you can see them marching like drones all throughout downtown Clearwater, hehe....)
Several different sects of Scientology exist too.... Some actually believe the sci-fi books written by the founder (L. Ron Hubbard) are not fiction!
Others, believe in mental powers above and beyond the amateur psychology that forms the basis of the "religion".
Prank Monkey: You're thinking of Christian Scientists...
I hope this clarifies some things for people....
Note: I am NOT a Scientologist, but my location gives me a rather good insight into this...imho....