posted on Jul, 28 2005 @ 01:51 PM
In the last few years we've seen an unusual amount of solar activity. At the same time, a remote viewer named Ed Dames has begun claiming that a
massive CME he calls the 'killshot' will, shortly, take out most of our electronics.
Recently it was discovered that a massive, active solar spot has formed on the far side of the sun. Last night, on C2CAM, a woman called in who
claimed to be a member of Dames' online chat group. She said that, after she brought up this recent solar development, that Dames replied by saying
'And so it begins'... and signing off.
So, is this really the 'killshot'... or is Dames just trying to make money off of people by giving them phony 'end of the world as we know it'
dates? As a sidenote, I think it's interesting that he always claimed a shuttle would be up at the time of the 'killshot' and that it's mission
would have to come down under emergency situations.
The sunspot: