posted on Aug, 31 2005 @ 07:14 AM
I was going to post something similar on these green shapes appearing, but didn't know where to post (if it was something technical, sci-fi
whatever). They appear in more areas than that if you use google earth and tool around. I live in Las Vegas and plotted a trip via google earth to
Lake Tahoe to see what route it would give me. I then let it "drive" the route as it does and I saw areas with these green circles and rectangles
appear on the map in various areas along the route. I, from being in a plane numerous times, thought these to be irrigated crops as mentioned above,
but they DO look out of place and WAY too fluorescent green. I'm inclined to think maybe they are there to cover something, but what? Especially in
such the random places I have found them. I have only seen them in the southern california/nevada areas, but that's only 'cause I was looking at
those areas in detail due to the aforementioned trip planning. Would be great if someone knew what these were and the purpose behind them...
[edit on 31-8-2005 by w00tw00t]