posted on Aug, 25 2003 @ 01:56 PM
The reason people are more intered in exploring space than the earth, especially the oceans, is because it's actually a lot easier to get there. Like
they said in 'The Core" (I've said it once, I'll say it again, it's a horrible movie, but it had some good lines).
(don't remember the exact words)
"That's because space is easy, IT'S EMPTY" Underwater you're dealing with thousands of pounds, of pressure... it's a horrible deadly place if
you don't have the tech to go there. Only one submarine has been to the bottom of the Challenger Deep (deepest known part of the ocean). The Trieste,
a U.S. Navy submersible, reached the bottom of the Challenger Deep in the Marianes Trench on Jan 23, 1960. They touched the bottom at a depth of
37,000 feet (that's seven miles down). The hydrostatic pressure at that depth is 16,000 PSI (EIGHT TONS OF PRESSURE PER SQUARE INCH). If the sub had
cracked, it'd have imploded instantly and killed everyone on it.
As for why we don't explore the surface of the earth, I can not say. A lot of the unexplored regions have good reasons for being that way.