posted on Jul, 27 2005 @ 05:46 PM
It was my understanding that there would be an automatic post from the info I made upon application, but not seeing it at any of the places I have
been so far, will make this my intro.
I am an older, single, white male living a reclusive life-style in a back-woods area of Montana.
Many interests, although reading as of late have been pretty much targeted to Sitchin and Gardener for the Alien/Anunnaki subject; and Jenkins for the
Maya Cosmogenesis. I am also reading three books written by friends. One is an excellent treatment of personal spirituality and the others are two
books dealing with the ancient Indian. One set not too far back, (about 1950) the other going to the discovery(?) of corn.
I'm also in to limited Astronomy, delight in the actions of the "Lift Port" group and have an interest in whether Iapetus is artificial or natural.
I like archaeology but have no real background in the subject. Most of my 'discoveries' are via the Internet and information from friends.
I play write at fiction. Which is to say I am not published. I have also written several very short stories of fact. About specific events of life.
And that is about it for now. I'm sure you will learn more of me as time goes on. I'm a people. No real special attributes.