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My U.F.O. Experience

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posted on Jul, 28 2005 @ 03:38 PM
Well guys when it took off it took off horizontally and then began to increase its altitude only when it encountered trees. I will say this about my location. I am in the hills and hollers of Kentucky. Top secret military aircraft would not hover over houses for kicks out in the boonies. I just do not see it happening. I disagree that we have airplanes that can hover. I sincerely doubt we have yet to perfect this technology as it was perfected that night. And this was 3 years ago. Surely we would have some type of inside info on that type of technology by now.

Guys, you've been great to talk about this. I wish I could give you more info, but I want to keep it honest.

Mr. Richard, I would like to say this, I do not think this was the first UFO that I have encountered. This will get crazy so i'd rather not go into much more detail, but let's just say apparently someone up there likes me.

posted on Jul, 28 2005 @ 03:48 PM

Originally posted by zenlover28
Well guys when it took off it took off horizontally and then began to increase its altitude only when it encountered trees. I will say this about my location. I am in the hills and hollers of Kentucky. Top secret military aircraft would not hover over houses for kicks out in the boonies. I just do not see it happening. I disagree that we have airplanes that can hover. I sincerely doubt we have yet to perfect this technology as it was perfected that night. And this was 3 years ago. Surely we would have some type of inside info on that type of technology by now.

Well, actually there was some insider information that was referenced earlier in this thread. But I understand your skepticism.

I would suggest that you not underestimate our own government, as they have been doing reverse engineering projects from confiscated Zetan-alien spacecraft since the late 1940s.

Originally posted by zenlover28
Guys, you've been great to talk about this. I wish I could give you more info, but I want to keep it honest.

Feel free to e-mail me if you wish to go futher into it without going completely public. My profile has my e-mail address.

Originally posted by zenlover28
Mr. Richard, I would like to say this, I do not think this was the first UFO that I have encountered. This will get crazy so i'd rather not go into much more detail, but let's just say apparently someone up there likes me.

Indeed Zenlover28.

If you are an abductee, I hope that you learn not to be one anymore.

How To Avoid An Alien Abduction

Keep those doors locked and windows covered at night, and don't seek to get a better look whenever you see a UFO, but immediately go indoors.

posted on Aug, 3 2005 @ 01:38 PM
Really? Do you think they come here to hurt us?

posted on Aug, 4 2005 @ 02:46 PM
Hi Zenlover28,

Originally posted by zenlover28
Really? Do you think they come here to hurt us?

I have come to believe through my research that they are self-serving and subtly imperialistic. Which is not to state that all aliens are this way, only the ones that abduct many of us for medical experiments, dissection, a long-term breeding program, etc. They implant screen memories in abductees to supress the memory of the kidnapping and to further the idea that they have godlike abilities, like being able to walk through walls, read minds, teleport, etc. This being part of abductee brainwashing. An abductee who believes his captors have godlike abilities is less likely to attempt escape or fight back.

The Zetan-aliens wish to continue to harvest this planet and its peoples. They wish to use our resources selfishly, not destroy us. We are like one big farm to them. They prefer not to destroy this farm unless they feel that they are losing control over the Sol System.

Just be careful and follow the guidelines linked to or stated directly in this thread, and you'll be fine.

If you would like any personal or private correspondence on this and related issues, feel free to e-mail me.

[edit on 4-8-2005 by Paul_Richard]

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