posted on Jul, 29 2005 @ 10:19 PM
Alright, never mind now, been moved to Literature. I have been writting and now that I think about it, if not on ATS can have things now that I want.
A new spell based off of Krillin's Destructo Disk from DBZ decapitating Ron, blood everywhere, gore, violence, stuff to bloody for ATS rules. In
case no one knew I hate Ron, planning on killing him so there is no doubt he is dead. Made up spell is Distro Dis(Pronounced Dee-stro Dice)
Well, 5 chapters done, but not sure of page length as I re-read what I wrote and edit it. I add some, I take some, I make a sentence have more
substance, I take away a scene, having alot of fun.
But trying to keep it as real as possible. Like Hermione's b-day is in September so her birthstone is a Sapphire. Or a tip when at a restaurant,
names of people, inside information that no one cares about, stuff like that.
But also going to add things that I think deserve to be in the real series. Like Hermione says no one can Apparate inside of Hogwarts, yet that is
how the House Elves move around inside the castle, so obviously you can Apparate somehow...(Realized in the book) Or SPEW, how does that work? The
House Elves do the students laundry all the time, so picking up clothes is no problem, and Hermione is not their master, Dumbledore is, so why is she
leaving clothes out for them?!?!?!?!?(Also realized in the book) Or how come there hasn't been a female Defense Teacher until year 5? But I am
doing my first book as though #5 never happened so Umbridge never had the job. Or no transfer students, ever. What house would they be in? And I
don't mean from another school like in #4, I mean students who move to England but aren't in their first year or whatever. Does the hat sort them
out or do the teachers choose?
Anyways, waiting for legalese from worldwatcher, but I might not post all of it cause like I said it's going to be gorey. And my next one with them
older, thinking about what I did when I was 15/16.....
[edit on 29-7-2005 by James the Lesser]