posted on Jul, 25 2005 @ 05:06 PM
In north east Minnesota, the iron range, there is an underground mine that is being used as a labratory. Part of the mine anyway. This lab is about ha
half mile into the earth. The reason the lab is this far down in the earth is to protect the equipment from cosmic rays.
In this lab there is a 6,000 steel dector will be searching for neutrinos sent from a particle accelerator 450 miles away in Chicago, this is also
underground. There is no tunnel or opening in the ground for these subatomic particles. They rarely ever interact with matter. In one cubic foot there
are 10 million neutrinos.
Below are some links that are related to this research and about neutrinos. Apparently there are other labs and detectors under water, and in the
south pole. i have not read anything on these though. Feel free to post any other links or information you have about this.
Links Regarding This Research: -- MINOS Official Government Website -- Soudan Underground Labratory Website (Hosted by the University of MN) -- Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Official Website -- Wikipedia''s information on Neutrinos
[edit on 7/25/05 by flipjargendy]