posted on Sep, 14 2002 @ 08:36 PM
necro, you and I both no there is comparison between what those pilots did and what that terrorist did. Comparing the two events in that manner is
irresponsible and ridiculous.
As far was what to do w/ that terrorist�I first hope the Pakistanis rough him up a little bit and gather intel from him. Hopefully information that
leads to the location of bin laden and other terrorists and/or information that prevents further terrorist attacks.
Hopefully, he�ll be tried in a military court. That�ll keep Alan Dershowitz and Cochran from representing him. (Dersowitz has said it would be an
honor to defend bin laden). And while I am not a huge fan of the death penalty I think that�s his destiny. In the words of John Mcain (I think) let
God have mercy on them because we won�t.