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9/11 Conspiracy Site found

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posted on Aug, 23 2003 @ 03:10 PM
9/11......questions being ignored

Ok, here we go. This is My major 9/11 post, because I havent been able to find my favorite site on the topic, i found one basically done by the same people. No crazy flashing pics everywehre, no big letters. It is full of facts and incosistancies from that day.

Read closely and make your own judgements on the subject. This webpage is good, it has links to everything, and has great info. Im trying to find the original site that was lost, im still looking, but this seems to be related.

posted on Aug, 23 2003 @ 04:13 PM

Heres a direct link to the timeline, the most important part of this site.

This is mainly for some people not in the US who werent aware of the details of what happened that day, or who are unaware of US proceedures.

This site is very intelligent and backs its stuff up with stuff reported in the news and the like, plus gives a before and after of 9/11.

Very good reading for those who care or are missing important data from the whole 9/11 conspiracy.

posted on Aug, 23 2003 @ 04:50 PM
Excellent find, I think that its quite easy to get distracted by current events. 9/11 is most certainly not a "dead" issue. There are sooo many inconsistencies in the official story. It is clear to me that we have been deceived.

posted on Aug, 23 2003 @ 05:52 PM
I think 9/11 is the KEY issue in the world today, because all the # were involved in, from Iraq, the patriot act, afghanistan, terrorism, police state, basically stemmed from 9/11. The media brushes over the whole day, not adressing it enough, mentions it here and there, spouts terrorism here and there. yet no one is examining the day of infamy that basically set everything else in motion and has been used to justify anything and everything we do now.

posted on Aug, 23 2003 @ 06:20 PM
May be the reason that the media didn't cover 9/11 that much is because it was manipulated, but I'm trying to figure out what went really wrong, and how our government devieve us though.

posted on Aug, 23 2003 @ 06:21 PM

The media brushes over the whole day, not adressing it enough, mentions it here and there, spouts terrorism here and there. yet no one is examining the day of infamy that basically set everything else in motion and has been used to justify anything and everything we do now.

I agree. But I have also noticed a distinct trend when the media is brushing over it: the triggering of an emotional reaction in the viewer. That day was so traumatic to the american public that each time it IS addressed in the media, there tends to be a re-traumatizing affect. This mass conditioning of the fear response is going to be played upon to justify more conflict in the world.

By declaring and justifying war on a CONSTRUCT (i.e. "terrorism"), we afford ourselves the right to re-define our enemies at our leisure. This is the military component of the globalization movement (e.g. one world government, new world order, etc).

If 9/11 didn't happen, how much worse do you think the opinion polls would have been regarding the Iraq war?

posted on Aug, 23 2003 @ 06:22 PM

That has been my source for the summary of events for a year or so.

is also very useful.

Be sure to read the whole Congressional Enquiry report that came out in July, look at what is in and what is out (there is far more left out than just the Saudi connections), make a judgment as to why, and then decide whether you want to discuss 9/11 with any members here who are just in denial.

There will be far more coming out of citizen-led Inquiry (much of it yet to occur) than any orchestrated Bush administration cover-ups by the criminal gang.

posted on Aug, 23 2003 @ 06:23 PM
I agree, especialy when they use fear to control us

[Edited on 23-8-2003 by hellfireburns]

posted on Aug, 23 2003 @ 06:25 PM

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
I think 9/11 is the KEY issue in the world today, because all the # were involved in, from Iraq, the patriot act, afghanistan, terrorism, police state, basically stemmed from 9/11.


No, not at all.

Bush/PNAC and the stolen election happened well before 9/11.

George W Bush proudly labelled 9/11 as the last in the 'trifecta' he needed to start the Middle East invasions.

9/11 is just a tool. There is no compassion for the dead or survivors in this administration.

More of this style can be seen in the statements from the Head of Homeland Security who said on Tuesday that the north-east power grid failures were useful as part of a communications test.

posted on Aug, 23 2003 @ 06:28 PM
everytime i see them planes crash into the twin towers, i just find it unbeliveable...

i can sit and watch it over and over in disbelief... its nuts...

its shocking that 'terrorists' could have done such a thing...

its even more shocking that there is a possibility that it was orcastrated and done by the goverment...

i mean imagine if it came out that the goverment did it...

damn, people would be kicking off....

posted on Aug, 23 2003 @ 07:07 PM
Thanks for the links.

posted on Aug, 23 2003 @ 08:29 PM
Im well aware that 9/11 and the Bush plot goes waaaay before the actual date.

But in the public eye, thats the piviotal point that everything changed for the average schmuck. The Bush admin knows quite well what and why 9/11 happened. Its the public that needs to be prodded at the price of disocomfort and trauma to wake and and requestion that day.

9/11 goes back to the clinton admin, when the CIA found plans for commercial aircraft as bombs and weapons on a certain terorists computer in the philipines. They knew. hell, you can even trace it back to the 60's and Operation Northwoods. This plot to use terrorism to whip up public hysteria and fear is pretty old.

But in the minds of the sheeple, the offical start date of the police state was 9/11. Bush wouldnt have even tried to pull the # hes pulling now without it. he knew, hell, if not Bush, another prez would have done the same, because they all dance to the same piper. 9/11 basically was Bush pushing the final stages of beginning the end of the constitution.

Thus, the media again: dont wanna show anything offensive, like dead soldiers and Iraqis because then the public will become uncomfortable and disturb, and GOD FORBID, they start questioning the legitimacy of anything.

Most sheeple, like they have been doing to me since i have brought to thier attention this fraud, will laugh and jeer. But some might be shocked out of thier daze.....

Who knows? But 9/11 for the public was when the ideas became a reality for the killing of the constitution.

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