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has anyone ever seen an exact image of themsleves? (and mirrors don't count!)

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posted on Jul, 28 2005 @ 03:44 PM

Originally posted by apocalypta
When I was younger (early teens) I would sometimes be able to put my self in a type of trance by looking deeply in a mirror. Eventually I believed at the time I could see another person. Me but Me2.
Maybe in another dimension, I was huge sci-fi fan so not out of the realm of possibility at the time. It was weird. Eventually I could even see differences bewteen me and me2. For a time I "felt" like me2 was trying to communicate something very importent to me. I never did find out what it was. Have tried to do this recently and was unable to. I stared at my self but all I saw was my myself.

I used to stare at myself in the mirror in the same way when I was a child and I remember it was a very strange feeling. You do seem to go into a type of trance or 'cross dimensions'. I haven't tried it for a long time though.

posted on Jul, 28 2005 @ 08:17 PM
ahh the good ol doppelganger theory
every one in the world has in exact double.
but ive always assumed ( yes i belive in it) they live just like we do
why would he jump out at you then run away? odd
well being adopted from texas (i was adopted then taken out of the state)
i made the assumption that my doppolganger is there
oh and a side note

if your a third level half elf fighter with a two bladed half sword and a magic +5 dagger of flaming might. please don't go up to some one who looks like you claiming to be your twin. he's a dopple ganger and those are real tough those DM's always playing on you heart string

posted on Aug, 16 2005 @ 04:08 AM
well.. I'm not 100% sure, but it appears that my "stunt double" may have struck again!.... I was at a good friends house the other day (close to an hour away from me) when his brother in law said that he, his wife and his son saw me leave a store. They said they recognized me, and that they saw me getting into my car, but that I didn't acknowledge them when they yelled for my attention. Funny thing is.... my car has been acting up and I haven't dared to to drive it any further than the 15 minutes to my work and back for nearly two months now. Another friend of ours had picked me up so we could all watch the Browns game, so I wasn't driving then either. ( mechanic swares they can't find the problem! don't go to affordable auto repair if you're in ohio) I'm not sure if this is merely a "coincidence" or whether it's something more, but it happened in the past, so there's no reason for me to try to deny that it could happen again now! Though if it was in fact "me" I don't understand why it's been so long since anything like this has happened. Obviously I've had my share of problems and have been a bit down in my luck lately( with my car, trying to get money for school, got suspended for work for 3 days because of attendance issues, etc), so perhaps this too has something to do with it...but who knows?!

[edit on 16-8-2005 by evilgenyus]

posted on Aug, 16 2005 @ 09:17 AM
And the 'other guy' was driving the same type of car?? Whoa, things could really get messed up, if he is seen committing some crime! At best, it's not fair that he can get 'your' car to run better! ( That would be my luck! lol)

If I were you, I might try some type of cleansing ritual.....usually they are for a house, or apartment where paranormal things occur, but you might try something for 'spiritual well being'. I've seen these mentioned on other threads.....I don't have a link handy, but I will look around....

found one here!
This is like most basic house cleansings I've seen. You might find the sage at a shop where herbal remedies are sold, and you might find something for 'personal' cleansing as well....I believe I've seen bathing in sea salt recomended....couldn't hurt.

[edit on 16-8-2005 by frayed1]

[edit on 16-8-2005 by frayed1]

posted on Aug, 16 2005 @ 11:33 AM
An ex bf and I pulled into a 7/11.. there was one parking space seperating us from another car that was pulling out. I was in the passenger seat.. so was she and I got a glimpse [bare in mind steering wheels are on the right side in aus just for visuals sake] was me. I looked at her.. looked away and looked back just as she was looking away and looking back. My bf was freaked as well so of course pointed and she put her head down and they drove off. Such a pretty little thing.

I wish I had've explained it more dramatically or something. Nothing supernatural about it.. it just made me curious as to what my father got up to before he married my mother..
long lost cousing maybe? One of life's annoying mysteries that'll never get answered.

[edit on 16-8-2005 by riley]

posted on Aug, 16 2005 @ 11:56 AM
I never saw my doppleganger - but once at a party I was dosed with PCP - (trust me I would never voluntarily try that stuff after seeing that movie Colors) - and I was able to leave my body mentally and see myself from several differnet angles.

It was really, really weird, as I could kinda control it, and it is the only reason I don't dismiss all OBE's out of hand.

I assume it was just my minds imagination (or interpretation of what I would look like from different outside angles) so perhaps this DG could just be yours?

I'm not sure this would be an Alien issue as much as a mythological creatures / cryptozoology issue tho...

posted on Aug, 16 2005 @ 12:30 PM
Little bit of a background here first, a few years ago I had made a commitment that I would grow out my hair and beard for a year and then shave it all off to raise money for the Kids Cancer Foundation, I have never had a beard before so I am quite use to seeing myself without one. Anyways one during this period I was on the train just looking around at the ads and other people on the train. I happened to look at what I thought was a mirror or some other reflective surface until I realized the guy I was looking at didn't have a beard. It was really creepy but it was right near the stop where I needed to get off so I could go talk to the guy or anything. I don't think it was anything supernatural but quite a weird occurrence non the less.

[edit on 16-8-2005 by deadboi]

posted on Aug, 17 2005 @ 01:52 AM
who knows deadboi... maybe your doppelganger decided to follow your lead, and was only just a little bit quicker than you to get shaved! Maybe you raised twice the money than you realized for the cancer benefit! Give yourself another pat on the back just in case!


posted on Aug, 17 2005 @ 03:56 AM
I personally have not seen someone that looks like me, but people have told me more than once that there is someone that looks alot like me. And a couple of times i was mistaken by people to be someone else. But i was not just mistaken these people were really insistant that i was someone who i was not.

People are all very unique but some people have similarities. Beauty is all in the eye of the beholder. You dont know how other people percieve you or see you. You may see someone that looks exactly like you, but you, your personality is what makes you different. Like identical twins to most people they look and therefore are exactly alike but to someone who knows them they are very different. Looks are all relative.

If you see yourself would it be very far fetched to say that you have a certain perception of your self and that is what you see in the person you are looking at therefore you project yourself onto him or her.

The mind is complex and it does play tricks on us.

posted on Aug, 17 2005 @ 01:44 PM

Originally posted by DAF

If you see yourself would it be very far fetched to say that you have a certain perception of your self and that is what you see in the person you are looking at therefore you project yourself onto him or her.

The mind is complex and it does play tricks on us.

Daf.. yes, I totally understand what you mean, and that sounds reasonable enough to me! People perceive what they want to perceive, and sometimes I wonder if everybody's very "reality" is their own as well. (perhaps none of you really exist at all??) Regardless of this though, and real or not... It's still very baffling why I saw "myself" that one time when I was young.

posted on Apr, 10 2006 @ 12:08 AM
alright, I hope I don't get in trouble for doing this but I wanted to "renew" my thread so to speak, because it's been quite a long time since I made this and I wanted to see if anybody else would have any theories or explanations for what I saw, and to see if anyone else has experienced this sort of thing.

posted on Apr, 10 2006 @ 03:18 AM
Once in the early 70's, at Phil Seulings' New York Comic Art Convention, I had a strange experience. Throughout the four days of the convention, people kept coming up to me thinking that I was someone else. Quite often, they would just start into a conversation. It was as if they were talking to someone who looked just like me. When I told them that my name wasn't "Alex", they thought I was kidding around with them.

It was obvious to me that they were mistaking me for someone else -- my double. Throughout the convention, I kept looking around for someone who looked like me or, at least, someone who bore my resemblance but I never did see or meet this "Alex". All that I can say is that it was a very eerie experience. I was just glad that this "double" of mine didn't owe money.

I've never had such an experience before or since.

posted on Apr, 10 2006 @ 07:14 AM

Originally posted by benevolent tyrant
Once in the early 70's, at Phil Seulings' New York Comic Art Convention, I had a strange experience. Throughout the four days of the convention, people kept coming up to me thinking that I was someone else. Quite often, they would just start into a conversation. It was as if they were talking to someone who looked just like me. When I told them that my name wasn't "Alex", they thought I was kidding around with them....

I've never had such an experience before or since.

Yeah, often enough I get people who come up to me and sware that they recognize me, but I'd never really applied it to my double or anything. I guess it's possible that it's something out of the ordinary, but they never gave a description of when or where they saw me, or what I looked like. Just that I looked really familiar. As odd as it was though, I'd love to see "myself" again, because it's been so long, and it would be interesting to know that it was not just some sort of random freak occurance or something.

posted on Apr, 10 2006 @ 07:39 AM
But others have. No matter where i go on this island, people tell me i look exactly like someone they know.

If this woman is so visible, where is she? How come i cant see her?
Is it me out there shopping while the real me is home posting or cleaning the house????

posted on Apr, 11 2006 @ 12:45 AM

Originally posted by dgtempe

But others have. No matter where i go on this island, people tell me i look exactly like someone they know.

If this woman is so visible, where is she? How come i cant see her?
Is it me out there shopping while the real me is home posting or cleaning the house????

that's a real bummer. Hopefully if you find her you two can work out a deal and help each other out from time to time.

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