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Dozens of Chemicals Found in Most Americans' Bodies

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posted on Jul, 23 2005 @ 07:49 AM
In the largest study of chemical exposure ever conducted on human beings, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported Thursday that most American children and adults were carrying in their bodies dozens of pesticides and toxic compounds used in consumer products, many of them linked to potential health threats

The report documented bigger doses in children than in adults of many chemicals, including some pyrethroids, which are in virtually every household pesticide, and phthalates, which are found in nail polish and other beauty products as well as in soft plastics.

The latest installment, which looked for 148 toxic compounds in the urine and blood of about 2,400 people age 6 and older in 2000 and 2001, is "the largest and most comprehensive report of its kind ever released anywhere by anyone," Gerberding said. Findings were broken down by age group and race.

About 1.6% of young children tested from 1999 to 2002 had elevated levels of lead, which could lower their intelligence and damage their brains, compared with 88.2% in the late 1970s and 4.4% in the early 1990s.

"The report in general shows that people — kids and adults — are exposed to things that aren't intended to be in their body," said Dr. Jerome A. Paulson, an associate professor of pediatrics at the George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences who specializes in children's environmental health. "In and of itself, that is a concern. Whether it's harmful or not we can't tell from this particular study."

The CDC plans to expand the national chemical report to more than 300 compounds in two years and about 500 in four years. An estimated 80,000 chemicals are in commercial use today.

LA Times


80.000 Chemicals are in Commercial use Today - and we are in Contact with those every day, with basicly everything we do.

And you think the Chemical Corporations give a Damn if any of those Chemicals are Harmful to our Body and to our Families - most Important to our Future: our Children?

posted on Jul, 23 2005 @ 08:05 AM
Many of these chemicals are in the water we drink! And people think they are safe drinking spring water.....nah.... If you're not drinking tap water, the only water you should drink is distilled water...but that has no vitamins or anything in it.

The sad fact is that unless you live a completely organic life (and even then its hard to know) we subject our bodies to all sorts of nasties every single day.

Interesting article

posted on Jul, 23 2005 @ 08:11 AM
This is no big surprise! We don't even decompose as we should's taking much longer due to all the preservatives we eat! Sad isn't it!?

[edit on 7/23/05 by LadyV]

posted on Jul, 23 2005 @ 08:17 AM
Scary stuff, and that's whyin part I pay attention to ATS. The main line media won't tell us about such things but AST posters do, looking in the cracks of news organizations and pulling out the little bomb shell stories then getting them here to ATS for review and follow up thoughts.

..yes I filter my water, but I do wonder now if it makes any difference really. The filter manufacturer says what's being filtered out, but DOESN'T indicate what is NOT being filtered out!


posted on Jul, 23 2005 @ 08:25 AM
Are in the water and can't be filtered out. That's the thing. Filtered water is just a bit better than regular tap water. You do as well to boil tap water to kill bacteria. And anyone out there spending money on Brita filters, might as well flush their money down the toilet.

Distilled water is really the only "completely" safe water because everything, good and bad has been removed. Has no minerals have to add them.

[edit on 23/7/05 by AlwaysLearning]

posted on Jul, 23 2005 @ 09:33 AM

Originally posted by LadyV
This is no big surprise! We don't even decompose as we should's taking much longer due to all the preservatives we eat! Sad isn't it!?


I didnt know That!

Scary Fact!

Now about Bottled Water:

Some of these are also full of Chemicals so BE CAREFUL Which one You buy!

Check out some Research of Chemicals in Bottles Water also, and buy the one that is the CLOSEST to the Natural Spring, from which it was pumped from.

posted on Jul, 23 2005 @ 09:45 AM
Is there a connection between this thread and the "I hate MacDonalds" one?

I don't think the passive "what can we do about it" stance is right.

You CAN do something about it, if you care enough for your children (if you can still have any - fertility is dropping as well)

When your society is powered by money and overriding peoples health then you will get such travesties. However look at some european and pacific countires to see that there is a choice.

(there is a program on TV here on British school food, where they feed their kids processed animal byproducts disguised as food for school lunches.

Kids in the cities are unable to tell "good" food from "bad" and their diet is so screwed that doctors report seeing children vomiting #, their digestion tract is blocked and it has to come out somewhere.)

Also see the thread on milk to see that beef and milk is packed full of chemicals just because farmers can make more money.

I havn't even started on genetically modified crops that are banned in many places of the world except America.

posted on Jul, 23 2005 @ 10:42 AM

Originally posted by LadyV
This is no big surprise! We don't even decompose as we should's taking much longer due to all the preservatives we eat! Sad isn't it!?

[edit on 7/23/05 by LadyV]

You make a great point here, my daughter is a biology mayor and what she is learning about how toxins in our bodies are keeping our bodies from deteriorating is amazing.

You are right we are so full of stuff that is not natural to our body chemistry that eventually mutations within in our cell lever are starting to happen.

As everything in this earth we evolve to adapt to this changes or our bodies will kill us trying.

posted on Jul, 23 2005 @ 03:11 PM
I too am not surprised by this. And it angers me that the FDA is allowing this to go on. And it is a wonder why our children are born with so many problems. If you take a product off the store shelves and look at the ingredients you will see a list of chemicals. Most of us do not know what they are or do. So it is easy just to put the product in the basket and move on with out a second thought. Her are a few links that I found informative.

High toxic chemicals are found in laundry detergents, dryer sheets, deodorants, perfumes, soaps and other household products.

This mythology has been promoted by the manufacturers of these products who, through clever advertising, propagate the distortion that bacteria on the kitchen counter and in the bathroom are responsible for making people sick. But the reality is that we don't live in a sterile environment anyway: the only thing that prevents you from getting sick is a healthy immune system. We are exposed to bacteria and viruses literally hundreds of thousands of times each day. It is our immune system that takes care of these threats and keeps us safe, not antimicrobial soap.

But many consumers don't understand this. They think that they can make their homes spotless; that they can create a level-4 biohazard clean room in their kitchen by using this antimicrobial soap, and that this will somehow protect them from getting sick. But the reality is that they're giving themselves nervous system disorders while actually promoting the breeding of resistant strains of bacteria. And thanks to the nervous system damage caused by these antimicrobial ingredients, people are probably accelerating Alzheimer's disease by using these products. No doubt, they are impacting the learning ability of their children by poisoning their nervous systems, too.

It turns out that this active ingredient is chemically similar to Agent Orange. That's right, this was the Weapon of Mass Destruction used in Vietnam. And while it's not accurate to say that there's Agent Orange in your antimicrobial soap, there is indeed a chemical compound that's similar in its function, purpose, and molecular structure. Is this something that you want to be coating your dishes with? How insane is that?

Yet it's precisely what millions of Americans are doing each and every day that they use these products. They are literally placing a thin film of nerve agent chemicals on their dishes, and then drinking and eating from those dishes. Here, Johnny, be sure to clean up your plate! We washed 'em in something special: nerve toxins!

That web site has so much info on it. Take a look.

And finely here is a list that I found of toxic chemicals. What they are and what they do.

posted on Jul, 23 2005 @ 03:25 PM

Originally posted by Dallas

..yes I filter my water, but I do wonder now if it makes any difference really. The filter manufacturer says what's being filtered out, but DOESN'T indicate what is NOT being filtered out!


You can't filter out Flouride...

I agree with you. Distilled water is the safest water to drink...Although, it may not have vitamine in it, the food we eat should contain plainty of that. Dont believe why is there are great of amount of people with excess fat...which the body store due to excess of nutrients...

Vitamine in water is so insignificant....and that's not why the body needs the water for....

posted on Jul, 23 2005 @ 10:58 PM

Originally posted by Souljah
In the largest study of chemical exposure ever conducted on human beings, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported Thursday that most American children and adults were carrying in their bodies dozens of pesticides and toxic compounds used in consumer products, many of them linked to potential health threats

The report documented bigger doses in children than in adults of many chemicals, including some pyrethroids, which are in virtually every household pesticide, and phthalates, which are found in nail polish and other beauty products as well as in soft plastics.

The latest installment, which looked for 148 toxic compounds in the urine and blood of about 2,400 people age 6 and older in 2000 and 2001, is "the largest and most comprehensive report of its kind ever released anywhere by anyone," Gerberding said. Findings were broken down by age group and race.

About 1.6% of young children tested from 1999 to 2002 had elevated levels of lead, which could lower their intelligence and damage their brains, compared with 88.2% in the late 1970s and 4.4% in the early 1990s.

"The report in general shows that people — kids and adults — are exposed to things that aren't intended to be in their body," said Dr. Jerome A. Paulson, an associate professor of pediatrics at the George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences who specializes in children's environmental health. "In and of itself, that is a concern. Whether it's harmful or not we can't tell from this particular study."

The CDC plans to expand the national chemical report to more than 300 compounds in two years and about 500 in four years. An estimated 80,000 chemicals are in commercial use today.

LA Times


80.000 Chemicals are in Commercial use Today - and we are in Contact with those every day, with basicly everything we do.

And you think the Chemical Corporations give a Damn if any of those Chemicals are Harmful to our Body and to our Families - most Important to our Future: our Children?

This is of course very important! This is why I take anti prevent harmful chemicals from entering my body, and clearing my body of any bad chemicals, keeping me all non...bad chemicallish. N I think that in the vault antitoxins will be mandatory, to decrease risks, such as infection, death, disease, birth problems, ect. To allow a healthy population.

My dream is to lead, or rather be part of a vault project, where certain people are..vault citizens, and in any times of remote danger must live in the vault, with a complete archives, which I'd have to worry about always adding new things too, and keep up to date, and buying tons worth of books, manga's, ect! The vault would be tons of floors, and really a super ultimate way to protect all those invloved in the project! Hopefully one day after they saw how successful it was, they would start making vaults everywhere, as shelters, so even if undead zombies attack we'd be safe!!! So would all our most special people, like Michael Jackson!
Who I luv forever, and is truly a wonderful, amazing, caring, healing, magical person.

posted on Jul, 24 2005 @ 12:18 AM
oh guys/gals cmon!

we all know as a Fact every single one of the chemical additives is GOOD FOR US!!!

take your daily chemicals and pay your daily fees $$$

dont ask questions and dont think for yourselves! it causes brain tumors! seriously !

----note the sarcasm----

posted on Sep, 22 2008 @ 11:12 AM
Yes I agree that trying to kill all the bacteria in our kitchens bathrms hands etc. only deprives us of our natural immune responce and breeds resistant strains of things that would normally not harm us.
On the topic of the "agent-orange like chemical" in household products, exactly which chemical are you talking about, I am a chemist and can give you a risk assessment.
On this topic did you know that Splenda, the latest sugar substitute for the "two Big Macs and a small diet Coke" crowd , that ads say "is made from sugar", is made by the same technique that most pesticides are made?: They remove a hydrogen and a hydroxyl (OH) group and replace them with chlorine. Basically if you run sugar through a pesticide plant you get Splenda..... The handful of "studies" done on Splenda's toxicity have been funded by, guess who, the makers of Splenda! If you're a glutton, please stick to the"pink packet" saccharin. It has been around for over thirty years and there have been literally thousands of studies and it is not harmful to humans. I still dont eat it though. It probably is a moot pint though, because if one is eating so poorly that you need artificial sweeteners, you're probably gonna die from heart disease/cholesterol/obesity etc. waaaay sooner.....
---The Mad Scientist

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