posted on Jul, 23 2005 @ 01:46 AM
I hate stupid people! Are you stupid? Read my notes and find out.
1. Are you an out of work artist? Its art stupid just steal a crayon and start drawing. Now you’re a fully employed under paid artist.
2. Do you snicker under your breath at the ease at which you have substituted the word Progressive for liberal and think it will take several years
before they figure this one out? Well newbie you’re an idiot.
3. While riding down the freeway do you ever wish you had your own car? Are you over 20? Does mommy look at you and shake her head? This indicates
something here, what could it be? You’re a democrat.
4. Do you stop off at KFC for a quick meal on your way to a PETA meeting and are surprised and humiliated when others object. That’s because
you’re a self absorbed jerk that thought everyone was there for the in’ ness of the thing. You assumed that PETA stood for People Eating Tasty
5. Do you like to sit around and look like your pondering subjects of global importance but have never read a newspaper? It just feels cool to be
deep? You could have come up with that progressive word switch thing given a little time. Right?
6. Are you opposed to war but have no solutions of your own? But still insist that you somehow have a point? Here’s your gold star Tommy now go
sit down.
7. Do you enjoy walking down sidewalks carrying little hand made signs protesting something or another? Do you enjoy the before march meetings?
The after march parties. The day off work for a worthy cause. Do you get that feeling that you’ve made a difference today? Well you have made me
late for work, and me and everyone in there cars trapped by your stupid cause want to run you over. No one is on your side and you’re an idiot.
If you’ve read this and have discovered to your horror that you are stupid, well there’s power in knowledge. So you know, what ever!