CNN) -- Scientists are gaining insight about December's devastating earthquake and tsunami from the actual sounds of the magnitude 9.3 quake in the
Indian Ocean.
"It's really quite an eerie sound to hear the Earth ripping apart like that. We hear it on smaller earthquakes quite frequently but something of
this scale that goes on for eight minutes is very much unprecedented," said Maya Tolstoy, a marine geophysicist at Columbia University's
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory.
This isn't a sign of 'fragility', its how plate tectonics and the planet are supposed to operate. Its the normal functioning of a planet,
not a sign that 'somethigns wrong' or even something that shoudl be stopped.
Nygdan is right. Normal movement. Well within the historic range of variation.
There has been no increase in the number of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, or tsunamis is recent years. People keep trying to blame these things on
Bush and global warming, but that is nonsense and is insulting to the poster and the reader.
I downloaded the file off the second link. It had a little over 2 min of it. That was just awesome! Thanks for the link. I had my whole family
listen to it. My boys couldnt believe it. Very eerie sounding.