posted on Jan, 5 2004 @ 12:52 AM
I think people should buy/download the book if they can... however, they should not expect War and Peace. Like someone else said, it's a two hour
However, it is interesting. It's believable because, instead of talking about breathtaking discussions with aliens and meaning of life stuff, most
of the book deals with security protocols and the actual atmosphere of being inside a secret government project.
If it's a fake it's very well researched -- the USAF did, in fact, develop technology that could, through conscious control of thought patterns,
allow people to move simple graphics around on a computer screen (much like Sherman's IC training). It also would, I believe, run things as it does
in the book -- if Sherman talked about meeting aliens at Area 51 and saving the universe I wouldn't believe him... However, he presents himself as a
guy who was at the lower end of the secrecy food chain for only a year, and who, during this time, only encounter an unidentified white van : )