posted on Jul, 22 2005 @ 04:46 PM
Let’s run some numbers here. To keep this simple the Earth is assumed to be a sphere and some values are rounded. This will affect accuracy of
the final values, but the conclusion is still valid.
The mean equatorial radius of the Earth is 3963 miles. The volume of a sphere is 1.333 pi r ^3 resulting in the volume of the Earth as
260,711,662,759 cubic miles.
According to Genesis 7:20 the flood covered the mountain peaks to a depth of 15 cubits (27.25 feet @ the Biblical cubit of 21.8 inches).
Mount Everest is the highest peak at 29,035 feet. It is still growing, so presumably 6,000 years ago or so it was a little bit less. I was unable to
find any estimates of its elevation then, so I’ll use the current elevation. Using the flood depth above, the depth of the water was 29,035 + 27
feet or 29,062 feet or 5.5 miles. To reach that depth of water in 40 days it would have to rain continuously at a rate around 360 inches per hour,
but that is another topic.
The volume of water in the Great Flood can be calculated then as the difference between the volume of the Earth given above and the volume of the
Earth plus the water, calculated from the radius of the Earth plus the depth of the water.
3963 + 5.504 = 3968.5 miles = r
1.333 * pi * r^3 = 261,733,196,523 cubic miles of Earth and water. Less the Earth volume given above leaves 1,021,533,765 cubic miles of water.
When the waters receded (Gen. 8:1-3) it went somewhere (the ocean basins were already full before the flood. This water is addition to the volume of
the oceans). We know from geology there is not sufficient groundwater in the crust to account for the missing volume. Neither are there sufficient
mineral hydrates. If it all percolated to the center of the Earth and formed a giant ‘ocean’ (the mass and gravity of Earth says it didn’t, but
lets assume it did). This ‘ball of water’ at the planet’s core would have a radius of roughly 625 miles or 1/6 the radius of the Earth.
The same God that created the Universe also gave man the intellect to figure out how the universe works. God gave us the ability to measure the Earth
and figure out its composition without actually drilling and measuring through direct observation. Scientific discovery and analysis is a part of
God’s creation too. Science tells us there is no water of that volume inside the Earth. This gives us a contradiction – the Bible says there was
a flood. God, through science, tells us there never was a global flood. How do we reconcile these two? God is intentionally tricking us and testing
our faith by leading us to false scientific conclusion? That is inconsistent with Christian theology and Biblical teachings. Or is much of the Bible
metaphor and allegory – using stories to illustrate greater principles and values? That is my belief. By focusing on the meaning of the story and
what it is teaching and not worrying about the literal accuracy of the details I come to a new and better understanding of what the Bible is telling
me. I think I am a better person for it.