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Who actually finished the first WTC Attacks

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posted on Jul, 21 2005 @ 03:50 PM

FBI foreknowledge:

In the course of the trial it was revealed that the FBI had an informant, an Egyptian man named Emad Salem, who was involved with the bombing conspiracy. Salem claims to have informed the FBI of the plot to bomb the towers as early as February 6, 1992, information he was privy to possibly because he himself initiated the plot. Salem's role as informant allowed the FBI to quickly pinpoint the conspirators out of the hundreds of possible suspects.

Salem asserts that the original plan was to have the plotters build the bomb using a harmless powder instead of actual explosive, but that an FBI supervisor decided that a real bomb should be constructed instead. He substantiates his claims with hundreds of hours of secretly-recorded conversations with his FBI handlers, made during discussions held after the bombings.

Salem says he wished to complain to FBI headquarters in Washington about the failure to prevent the bombing despite foreknowledge, but was dissuaded from doing so by the New York FBI office. The FBI has not explicitly denied Salem's account.

International Post

The 1993 World Trade Center Bombing

26 February 2004


New York (IP)- Emad Salem, working on behalf of the FBI as an informant, conspired with other terrorists to blow up the World Trade Center using a well-placed truck bomb. Mr. Salem attempted to execute the FBI plan to substitute fake explosives and arrest the other terrorists. Unfortunately, a senior FBI official prevented the substitution, and the terrorists used live explosives, killing 6 civilians.

The New York Times reported:
Mr. [Emad] Salem, a 43-year-old former Egyptian Army officer, was used by the Government [of the United States] to penetrate a circle of Muslim extremists who are now charged in…the World Trade Center attack. Law-enforcement officials were told that terrorists were building a bomb that was eventually used to blow up the World Trade Center, and they planned to thwart the plotters by secretly substituting harmless powder for the explosives, an informer [Salem] said after the blast.

…hundreds of hours of tape recordings that Mr. Salem secretly made of his talks with law-enforcement agents portrays the authorities as being in a far better position than previously known to foil the February 26th bombing.


Another agent, identified as Nancy Floyd, does not dispute Mr. Salem’s account, but rather, appears to agree with it...

In one of the first numbered tapes, Mr. Salem is quoted as telling agent Floyd: “Since the bomb went off I feel terrible. I feel bad. I feel here is people who don’t listen.” Ms. Floyd seems to commiserate, saying, “hey, I mean it wasn’t like you didn’t try and I didn’t try.” In an apparent reference to Mr. Salem’s complaints about the supervisor, Agent Floyd adds, “You can’t force people to do the right thing.”

So who actually let that attacks take place?


posted on Jul, 21 2005 @ 06:02 PM
It's certainly interesting, because, like the Sept. 11 attacks, al Qaeda never accepted responsibility for this attack despite being blamed for it. The only difference is that we didn't find any fake tapes laying around on shelves for this one. Why would they accept resonsibility for some of their atrocities, praising God for them, just to totally deny others? Fortunately, information like this gives us a big hint

posted on Jul, 21 2005 @ 06:06 PM

Originally posted by bsbray11
It's certainly interesting, because, like the Sept. 11 attacks, al Qaeda never accepted responsibility for this attack despite being blamed for it.

maybe u need to do more research and look at some of his statements where he explain why he and his group attacked America, and defended his actions, and does not regret it.

posted on Jul, 21 2005 @ 08:41 PM

Originally posted by deltaboy

Originally posted by bsbray11
It's certainly interesting, because, like the Sept. 11 attacks, al Qaeda never accepted responsibility for this attack despite being blamed for it.

maybe u need to do more research and look at some of his statements where he explain why he and his group attacked America, and defended his actions, and does not regret it.

Why is Bin Laden not wanted in connection with September the 11th?

posted on Jul, 21 2005 @ 08:56 PM

Originally posted by deltaboy

Originally posted by bsbray11
It's certainly interesting, because, like the Sept. 11 attacks, al Qaeda never accepted responsibility for this attack despite being blamed for it.

maybe u need to do more research and look at some of his statements where he explain why he and his group attacked America, and defended his actions, and does not regret it.

Maybe you should do some research, according to the Conspircy theorists, that lame ass video they showed us on 12/13 is nothing more than an acting show. In other word the Bin Laden they had there was pretty damn fat to be the real one.

If one has Kidney problems you dont go from Skinny to Fat in a few short months..

So no he didnt claim responsiblility for 9/11..

And for the 93 WTC attacks it is pretty much Proven that the Main guy of the NY office FBI paid some guy 1,000,000 bucks to blow up the WTC.

Watch A long kiss good night.

The Lone Gunmen pilot - Pre 911 TV show with 911 theme

"You're telling me you're going to fake some terrorist thing just to scare some money out of Congress?"

"Well, unfortunately, I have no idea how to fake killing 4,000 people, so we're just gonna have to do it for real. We'll blame it on the Muslims, naturally. Then, I'll get my funding."

The above quotes taken from the movie The Long Kiss Goodnight, 1996.

Also watch Lone gunmen the epi where they attempt to fly a plane the towers.

All this is in our face and yet we dont even see it.

[edit on 7/21/2005 by ThichHeaded]

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