good to have you here. believe, you may not think it but almost everything you can think of is informative to someone on this site. you'll do fine.
if you have any problems, send me a U2U. do you know how to use them yet?
Always happy to see a fellow BC'er on the boards, What part of BC are you in, if you don't mind my asking? Southern BC covers half the province, ya
know, the bottom half....
I have been doing alot of looking into Area 19,20 of NTS, and have found parts that I have seen no mention of on the site, now, as a newbie, would I
be in trouble for posting links to what I have found on the google sat. map or what?
It is supposed to be summer isnt it? Those decommisioned DC10`s that fly over leaving those dirty chemtrails are helping things a bit I think. Death
Valley has more rain so far than all of last year....hmmmm.