Well we continue to see our constitution erode away..........
Recently eminent domain has compromised the possession of private property rights when a local government can force sale of your property to obtain a
higher property tax.........
but look what the CFR is up to.........
This used to be the stuff of conspiracy spoofs but it is now public and out in the open with what they want to do.....
You know........I could never figure out the following actions of lack of them from our government in regards to the following after
"Why do we take the war to the terrorists when we should have locked down our borders first?.."
"Why do we let illegal immigrants flood the country and threaten the economny of the middle class blue collar worker......and bring their crime and
gangs along with them too?"
It makes no sense............
.......or does it???
Read this!!
Yes through the use of fear and terrorism our friends at CRF wants to close our borders as a NA continent and then open up the those borders between
Mexico and Canada to allow all peoples in North America to roam and work more freely and they are looking to have this implemented by 2010........
Welcome to the Country of North America???
Good bye USA middle class........hello war of the masses of have nots against the few halves.............
So who are a members of CFR??........
.....Clintons, Bushs, Major corporate CEO's.........
.....yes anyone in political and economic power.......
Folks let me be frank..................this is not a democrate verse republican thing.............both parties and those corporations that feed them
for political gain of more profits at the expense of the citizens of the US are all part of the hyprocracy that is eroding the greatness of this
country away..........
This is the elite verses the loss of your constitutional rights...........
This is another step into turning the US into a third World country..............
Its been ridiculed as a conspiracy for too long........
...that facts are adding up now.....they are coming out in the open..........
.........and you and I are the losers............
I wonder how some of you parents with children out there wonder what kind of life your children will have in this country??
Its time to stop worrying full time about the mortgage, college funds and soccor practice...............and start focusing on what those in power are
trying to do to us and this country............
Read the first and second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence and see what Thomas Jefferson said about our government when it starts to get
like this.....and what we should do......