posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 02:49 PM
Originally posted by Oliver C Roberts
Who said they would'nt be
in NI (Northern Ireland) Many units were used check the The Nemesis File
The firm was involved here
Are you kidding me? The Nemesis File is the biggest work of fiction ever written. The author was an ex Royal Engineer who claimed to have been a
member of an SAS hit squad that drove around nationalist areas during the late unpleasentness, unzipping the locals in the dead of night to incite
violence. Utter tosh. It's widely known within the military that Paul Bruce was just a walting big-timer with an inferiority complex.
As for MI6/SIS being involved in the conflict, then you are correct, as were MI5 among other agencies. Indeed this was one of the problems that
plagued the security forces - a lack of interdepartmental cooperation leading to poor or conflicting int, resulting in inappropriate allocation of