posted on Jul, 21 2005 @ 04:17 AM
There is probably no one on this forum that may remember me, but my name is Jago and I was a very active member before the days of 9/11. Yet, due to a
couple of a$$holes and their ignorance I decided to leave and join a board very similiar to this. Honestly, the board was not as good as ATS, but the
member base (at the time) was a bit more mature.. Well, things have changed and hopefully I can meet a lot of you who seek the truth.
So reintroducing myself.. My name is Solomon "Jago" Tubbs and I am Computer Science Student from Los Angeles.. Recently I have gotten actively
involved in paranormal investigations and enjoy long walks on the beach, unix, and Stargate
Feel free to contact me for whatever reason, be it for a chat or debut..