posted on Aug, 31 2005 @ 04:39 PM
I read somewhere that some 60%-80% of the chemicals dupont has made in the las 80 years never would have been needed or invented if pot would have
remained legal. Hemp would devistate the cotton industry, you see hemp is easier to grow than cotton, takes far less herbaside, insecticide, It takes
enormous chemicals to grow cotton effectively, and guess who makes the products needed to grow
However if pot were to become legal, it would devistate the timber industry about 20% of log cut are used for lumber, the rest is used for paper
products, hemp is cheaper, renewable faster, and better then wood pulp paper.
The oil industry does not want pot legeal either, pot/hemp is to industry as soy beens are to agricuture.
Hemp is the oldest used plant on earth, humans have used pot/hemp for over 10,000 years, the oldest know piece of cloth is hemp, the oldest paper
found is hemp paper.
just look what it would do for potatoe chip sales
Hemp seeds are the Most complete food source on earth. If you had 1 choice of a food to eat for the rest of your life...hemp and the seeds have all
the nutrisional value to sustain you into old age.
I have heard it said that the elderly and Republican christians are why it is illeagal plus the above mentioned industry.
just look what it would do for twinky sales
Making pot leagal would almost cut our prison population by 3/4, thus leading to prison closing, layoffs...ect. Think of All the people on probation
and parole, this would also lead to these officers bein layed off, and more probation offices closing, but look at the bright side, this would leave
the cops plenty of time to go after Violent crimminals...ect
If it were to become leagal..[not holding my breath, our current govrnment are into taking rights away and i don't see that changing] I would make a
ten dollar tax per pack, with 10 joints per pack. Half the money would goto social secrurity, half would goto schools, or universal healthcare.
well thats my 2 cents