posted on Aug, 21 2003 @ 10:48 PM
Originally posted by MaskedAvatar
Originally posted by damefool
Right... I didnt know alien speaks English...
It is obvious from most TV, Hollywood and other B-Grade sci-fi, that English is the preferred language of aliens.
Many of those things are overdubbed for your market.
BTW UFO did visited HK in year 2000, Here is a quote from a witness.
Hong Kong
I just wanted to tell you that I live in Hong Kong. I am British and a director of companies. I have no reason to give any untrue info and I have
witnesses who are credible.
An M.D. of a public company, Mr. A.G., called me when he was on the Hong Kong docks. He reported V-shaped series of lights the same configuration as
the "Phoenix lights" (I researched UFOs after the sighting)
I agreed to come to the same location the next night. They appeared again at 3 different levels of altitude. This delta configuration of balls in a
bright light circled a particular building roof spot light. This means that the tall skyscraper had a beam which normally shines upwards and can hit
the clouds. The 3 delta formations circled the beam (spotlight) for hours. As they hit the spotlight, their intensity grew brighter. We could not get
any of the Chinese to acknowledge this sighting. A photo was taken and the whole picture did not develop. All other material on the film did develop.
To this day, I cannot agree with Mr. A.G. on the colour of the lights (balls). Everyone saw a different colour.
I need to know if you have had any reports of such a thing from anywhere in the world. To this day we both stare at the top of this building everytime
we pass. The community think we are having them on, however, it has had a profounf effect on us. We need to know. Thanks.