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Banned Video Games: Why Did it Have to be MY State!?

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posted on Dec, 28 2005 @ 10:44 AM
The funny thing is that these parents who are making the biggest fuss about these video games come in two varieties.

1.) The parents are not really involved in their childrens lives, but try to act like they are, and when they see their kids playing these games that they dont agree with, they take it out on society because of their laziness as parents...

2.) These parents are so overcontrolling that every aspect of their childs life is scrutinized, and as if this isn't good enough, they believe that every parent should have their viewpoint and go to the extremes in promoting their beliefs onto other parents. If its not good enough for my child, its not good enough for yours.

I bet the parents who openly let their kids play these games are more in touch with their children than the ones that don't, or if your doing a good job, your child wouldn't want to play it to begin with. Think about it, your a parent and your promoting certain values onto your child. If your doing a good job and the communication lines are open, why would your child even WANT to play these games if they are taking to heart what you are trying to teach them? (If your trying to teach those types of values anyway)

The only reason we have these laws is because the parent is lacking in some aspect.
Then again, I could have this all backwards

[edit on 28-12-2005 by xEphon]

posted on Dec, 28 2005 @ 01:18 PM

Originally posted by xEphon
I bet the parents who openly let their kids play these games are more in touch with their children than the ones that don't, or if your doing a good job, your child wouldn't want to play it to begin with.

I cannot agree with that. I'm sorry, but kids hear stuff in their classrooms that would make some parents squirm. My kids came to me asking "what's al the hype, Mom?" The only reason why they wanted to play it was because of peers and the media. Parents are only part of the equation.

The only reason we have these laws is because the parent is lacking in some aspect.

Sadly, I have to agree to a point. Our country has way too many kids on meds, in therapy, and not self-sufficient enough. Ever since it became a crime to spank your child, or to even raise your voice to them, the downfall of society was right on its heels.

But, allowing a 10 year old to play a graphic depiction of slicing and dicing a person to pieces, and trying to tell myself it won't have an effect on her psyche, is delusional.

posted on Dec, 28 2005 @ 06:11 PM

Originally posted by xEphon
I bet the parents who openly let their kids play these games are more in touch with their children than the ones that don't, or if your doing a good job, your child wouldn't want to play it to begin with.

I think that came out wrong. I wasn't meaning that these video games are good for children or that parents who let their kids play these games are making the correct choice.
Ideally, the kids would do what yours did, and ask you about the video game. Which is the point i was trying to make. Children who talk to their parents about the game and then the parents agreeing or not agreeing to buy it for them is what i was trying to imply by that comment, instead of finding out after the fact.


[edit on 28-12-2005 by xEphon]

posted on Dec, 28 2005 @ 06:57 PM

Originally posted by Rouschkateer

maybe if you let your kids play the occasional GTA they wouldnt have snapped and killed their teacher in a hail of bullets.

I am going to take this personally.

My children are not a bunch of spoiled Suburbanites whose parents bought them love and ignored their subtle pleas for help and drug ridden delusions until it went too far. To group my children into this category is appaling

you quoted me out of context. I said 'probably not' after that.

Originally posted by Rouschkateer
And on the sex issue: it isn't the fact that it is sex. Isn't the scene depeicted a rape situation involving several men?


Originally posted by RouschkateerDoes that make it better than blowing a man's brain out?

yes. thats why murder is a more serious crime than rape.

posted on Dec, 29 2005 @ 06:25 AM

Cheers right back at ya! I understand now.

Originally posted by feebus
you quoted me out of context. I said 'probably not' after that.

If that were the case, then I wouldn't have posted that at all. Or at least, had some other pronoun rather than "your" in the example. No hard feelings.

Originally posted by Rouschkateer
And on the sex issue: it isn't the fact that it is sex. Isn't the scene depeicted a rape situation involving several men?


Hey, thanks for clearning that up. So, what exactly does the sexual scene in GTA:VC depict then? As I said in my earlier posts, I have not played the game, seen the game, nor do I have any desire to.

yes. thats why murder is a more serious crime than rape.

Well, of course murder is more serious than rape. More often than not, a rape victim can live, and with proper counseling, live well. A crime is a crime is a crime. I wouldn't want my kids stealing, insulting, assaulting, or doing any kind of harm to another human.

posted on May, 22 2008 @ 01:15 PM
video games are not top be blamed if people dont like them them they shouldent play them

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