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Who stood to gain from UN bombing

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posted on Aug, 21 2003 @ 07:53 AM
Who would have done this? An Iraqi ? Not hardly....they WANT UN intervention! Al Queada ? If that's true, then we've failed completely in our mission.
We started "knowing things "real quick again, 500 lbs (now 1000 lbs) of explosive...cement truck, now flat bed, Al Queada did it...sheeesh !With 125,000 troops looking on?
All we have to do is playback satellite recon footage, from previous day, ...we can know , if we really want to know, where that device came from...
IMO... earmarks..& characteristics of the same folks who brought you WTC disaster...whoever that is !!!
And Kolbe's comments on OUR EFFORTS to bring international face to Iraqi reconstruction.. is laughable...what blocked the UN all the way !!!
A Hollywood director couldn't have staged this event any more precisely...timing being everything in "terror" I ask you, does this feel like the work of 'arab terrorists' to you?

posted on Aug, 21 2003 @ 08:02 AM
I really don't no who has alot to gain from this attack. Theres so many different groups who have alot to gain on this, the UN looks like the one who has alot to gain in this.

posted on Aug, 21 2003 @ 11:11 AM
To make a statement to put fear into the hearts of others, to say "Hey, I'm pissed get the hell out of our lands and stop trying to enforce your capitalism on us you great satan!"

posted on Aug, 21 2003 @ 04:45 PM
ok allright, this is exactly the kind of question that should be posed. who EXACTLY would gain the most from discouraging UN involvement?

yes, the UN itself, or rather the elitist elements running the show, would have a large gain in that it would keep itself away from involving itself with another third-world screw-over deal courtesy of the IMF.

however, the CPA, or more like the US and its allies, would also be gaining an equally large share due to the fact that it would be left largely unmonitored by the entire international community. what i mean as in unmonitored, i mean as in not cared for. this is kind of what they did with east timor back in the 70's, where the UN was like "you know what... you handle it. we dont want our hands bloodied more so with this atrocity"

obviously, Iraq would have the least to gain. their people, already lacking appropriately consolidated representation, would have to endure whatever the CPA and its drones would throw at them. be it fake terrorist attacks or punishment for oil pipelines being sabotaged.

and yes, they amount of explosive was a huuuuuuge giveaway. it's not so easy to smuggle that stuff around with military police sniffing around every corner. if anyone could have pulled this off it would have been either Mossad or an alphabet soup espionage operation.

posted on Aug, 21 2003 @ 06:19 PM
Those with the most to gain from the bombing of the UN facility in Bagdad was actually, the US itself.

The UN has for the longest time been opposed to the US actions in Iraq. They did everything they could to forstall the war. The did everything they could to bring it to an early end. And now, they are doing everything they can to pressure the US into leaving.

The latest information I have heard on the subject was that there was intel floating around of a potential bomb attack against a target in Bagdad, but no specific target information. Supposedly, the US offered military protection to the UN facility, but it was declined as the UN was interested in distancing itself from the US, and did not want to be associated with US military forces.

A bombing directed against the UN acts as proof that the UN needs to provide peace keeper troops to bolster US military forces (which they have been asking for some time),and it (newest information being that Saudis and other non-Iraqis were the terrorists) serves as justification to stay in Iraq (which we need as a forward deployment base to our next conquest).

posted on Aug, 21 2003 @ 06:30 PM
WOW, I didn't expect DR to get so jaded so fast

I think it's a bit of a stretch to blame the US for the recent UN bombing (directly).
The bit about the US offering security is true and the UN spokesperson was the one who said it. (I saw the interview)
I don't think this was done by Iraqi's. I do wonder about the Saudi's and others around the area playing Jihad though. It all comes down to "we are Arabs in Arab land and we want all of you westerners out!" Some are just a bit more extreme than others. Look at the recent crap in Israel. The bus bombing did NOTHING to help the palestinian cause yet Hamas (or Islamic Jihad) did it right on the eve of Israel giving up another two towns.
One has to wonder if peace is EVER going to be possible in the Mid-East. I am beginning to think it's time to let them all have at it and just wash our hands of the whole ordeal.

posted on Aug, 21 2003 @ 06:35 PM
I think it's a bit of a stretch to blame the US for the recent UN bombing (directly). Posted by Fry2

Please note, I did NOT blame the US for the embassy bombing... I did state that the US had the most to gain from it....

I would however point your attention to this thread...

and would in the process point out that the new suspected terrorists are from Saudi Arabia...


Again, who gains the most if the bombing is tracked back to Saudi Arabia???

Remember, there are not coincidences...

posted on Aug, 21 2003 @ 06:41 PM
The "message" does seem to be "UN OUT" but I broaden it to "FOREIGNERS OUT".

Not knowing the messenger, I wouldn't draw any conclusions yet. If the whole thing is covered up and remains unsolved, then chalk it up to typical Bush administration (mis)management.

No-one really stands to gain from it at all, in my opinion.

posted on Aug, 21 2003 @ 06:45 PM
LOL, Before you "directed me" I had already posted there. We are essentially in agreement on this issue. It's really just a question of who "They" are.

posted on Aug, 21 2003 @ 06:48 PM
it's the freakin US who is "they". or rather, the alphabet soup agencies that have vested interests in making the area cultivatable by the private firms that finance those alphabet soup spy operations. perhaps it was a little retalation for the big "F You" the people sent to the administration when they blew up the oil pipeline that goes to Turkey(NATO)

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