Excellent interview with Ritter. Excellent chance for point/counterpoint. While I'm in favor of attacking Hussein, Ritter holds his ground nicely
and makes very good points.
How the Heck would we know? After all the discussion, we are still fed information by a pack of liars, each with an agenda and an angle. We have to
act in order to stem the attacks on us by our enemy, I just hope that what we do is the correct thing in most cases.
Ritter is a hypocrit in his regisation later he stated all the weapon and stuff Iraq still has and thats in 98 but now look he says they have nothing
while all the other inspectors say he does can we say PAYOFF
I just watched an interview on MSNBC with his former boss, (can't remember his name) the former head of the UN inspectors. He said that Ritter was
either lying to him, or is lying now. As has been said, Ritter said all along that Iraq has WMD, now he does a 180 ???
Go figure...
He also did an interview that I saw this week with Bill O'Reilly.It was a pretty good interview. He went toe to toe with O'Reilly and like Thomas
said, he made some really good points.