posted on Jul, 24 2005 @ 02:30 PM
Religious 'crossover' is obvious. Adam and Eve seem to parrallel Isis and Osiris. Mary with Jesus seems a repetition of Isis and Horus. The famous
"Tarot Deck" of the Gypsies, whose name derives from "Egypt", contains, in it's Major Arcana, 22 cards. The same number of chapters in the Book
of Revelations. It begins with "The Creator", and ends with "The World", made new, and descending from the sky with a triumphant shout, like the
prophetic 'New Jeruslaem'. Some Tarot scholars say that the cards originated in Ancient Egypt. In fact it has been suggested the the jews picked up
much of their religious ideas from Egypt.
An even more interesting idea is that moses himself was Egyptian, instead of jewish. It has also been pointed out the the name Moses is of Egyptian
origon, not jewish, and probably derives from "Ra Mo Sis", or "Tut Mo Sis". Hence Moses - "Mo Sis". Remember that he possessed the same
'magician's staff' as the priests, when he confronted them in the famous contest of magic.
Moses may well have been the half brother of the famous Ramasis 2. Egyptain royal families consisted of many wives, concubines, and many, many half
brothers which were potential pharohs, and rivals.
Princelings who were members of the royal family, and half brothers to the No 1 heir, often became priests. It was a nice official position, and a
cushy job for them. it also answers the question as to why Moses wold've gotten into trouble for killing. As a member of the royal family, a little
matter of killing an over seer shouldn't have gotten him into trouble. Yet as a high priest, their may have been ritual tabboos against killing.
hence the violation of tabboo may have been a serious problem for him, enough for an insecure half brother/crown prince to stir things up against him.
It would also explain Moses apparent familairity with 'magic'(St Paul says that moses was well versed in all the ancient lore of Egypt).
So when the dung hits the fan, he organizes a 'slave revolt'. Consolidating a 'power base' among the disinfranchised 'down and outers'. At a
later date, it becomes nessecary to 'judaise' Moses, and he becomes merely an adoptee into the Pharonic family. Politics never changes, and there's
nothing new under the sun.
So the line between old gods and new religion isn't so clear. This may well be what the Kabballa is about, the secret meaning of the Bible,
'encripted' into the Pentatuch, by Moses.
[edit on 24-7-2005 by GrandCourtJester]