posted on Jul, 17 2005 @ 11:15 AM
I read an article today from the Los Angeles Times: "Fighting Terror, losing Family" by Faye Fiore. It states that those who have been deployed to
Iraq have seen a big increase in divorce rates. Having been there myself, I really feel for those men and women who are having to deal with
marital/relationship stresses on top of fighting their war everyday.
When I was deployed to the Persian Gulf for Operation Desert Shield, I experienced that myself. I had been in a 2 yr relationship (that I hoped would
last forever), but during my deployment it fell apart. There is hardly anything more devastating than having to deal with that in a time of war. But
there was nothing I could do. It was like being in a straight-jacket in the middle of hell. I had to soldier on. I'm just thankful that (a) my unit
was like a family and I had many good friends to help me deal and (b) I loved what we did (flying missions of every kind from dropping troops and
documents to ferrying supplies). I just put nose to the grindestone and threw myself into my work.
Me and mine got back together after I got out and went home. But many relationships are forever destroyed. I wonder how many of our troops have taken
their lives over this? The suicide rates have inched up each year as well. Our troops are being hammered from every angle. That's why this whole
thing makes me so mad. No soldier, Marine, Airman or Sailor should EVER be forced to pull more than one tour of duty in Iraq or any other conflict
(unless they volunteer). It's unhealthy and its just plain WRONG.
Here are the stats from the article:
(Divorce counts by fiscal year among active-duty personnel in all branches of the U.S. military do not include activated Reserve or National Guard
2000: 19,223
2001: 18,774
2002: 21,629
2003: 23,080
2004: 26,784