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Life under the earth

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posted on Jul, 18 2005 @ 02:47 PM

Originally posted by MCory1

Originally posted by cmdrkeenkid
I can provide some scientific evidence as to why they cannot exist if you can provide some scientific evidence as to why they do.

I would like to see the evidence they couldn't exist myself. I've been to Carlsbad Caverns a few times, and while it probably wouldn't be the most comfortable arrangements, you could fit a good sized community just in the publicly accessible areas, to say nothing of the regions that are still under research or currently unsafe for tourism. Carlsbad isn't the largest cave system in the world by any stretch of the imagination either. I wouldn't imagine 110 story buildings or 30K seat stadiums in such a community, but you'd have more than enough room to put up most of the stuff you'd truly need. And if you have an energy plant that doesn't rely on fossil fuels, all the better.

I'd say it's definitely possible. Actually being done or not on any reasonable scale, I don't know. But definitely possible.

I agree with you. I visited New Mexico and had the opportunity to visit the Carlsbad Caverns. Let's take it a little further, maybe not 110 story buildings but what about domes with artificial lighting, air, steady climate of 70 degrees, as well as modern day technology for our entertainment. No gas cars, only electric for environment safety. We have all the technology today to live several thousands of feet underground in large dome communities. I think its the best way to continue our race if we had a global killer present. Taking this into effect, if we can create oxygen, water, food, as well as all the modern day technology, why can't we live on other planets in the same manner? The only obstacle I would see is dealing with the gravity change of other planets, but that could be something science could focus on.

posted on Jul, 18 2005 @ 02:59 PM
Is there life under the earth? Lots of life. Is there "intellegent" life in the reptilian/alien venue? I say no. I am 99.99% confident in my statement. Have I ever been deep beneath the earth? Nope. Have you? Nope. So what's the point? Just state your opinion and don't get so peaved when someone elses differs from you own.

posted on Jul, 18 2005 @ 05:51 PM
I would say yes on this one, there's still plenty of things in the ocean and the Sahara desert which need to be discovered.

posted on Jul, 19 2005 @ 11:24 AM
I like the idea, and I support the theory, but as with any theory....I will leave it at the....a theory.

posted on Jul, 21 2005 @ 02:12 PM

Originally posted by ASSASSIN651
I like the idea, and I support the theory, but as with any theory....I will leave it at the....a theory.

Let me ask you something about Atlantis.

wasn t that below the earth?


posted on Jul, 21 2005 @ 07:52 PM

Originally posted by yavis

Originally posted by ASSASSIN651
I like the idea, and I support the theory, but as with any theory....I will leave it at the....a theory.

Let me ask you something about Atlantis.

wasn t that below the earth?


Atlantis was an island that blew up or sank

posted on Jul, 22 2005 @ 09:19 AM
atlantis didn t blew up but sank

posted on Oct, 11 2005 @ 11:02 AM
Recently I have become very interested in the hollow earth theory.

It is difficult for me to believe the earth is actually hollow. Like a precious poster said, Believe there are pockets, subteranian areas.

I have come across numerous sites on this subject.

My focus has been primarily on ancient civilizations that migrated to these areas for various reasons.

I do believe there are some significant areas below us that are inhabi(ted by both alien (reptiliod) and even our own government and millitary interaction with these entities.

But again that is not my focus. I am very interested and am persueing entrances and even the possibility of makeing contact with groups like the Lemurians and such.

That is how I came upon this site (new commer) originaly searching for forums and links specific to this subject.

posted on Oct, 11 2005 @ 11:21 AM

Originally posted by connectabore
That is how I came upon this site (new commer) originaly searching for forums and links specific to this subject.

Welcome to ATS, connectabore!

If you are really interested in issues relating to the Hollow Earth theory, you might want to read over the posts made in the following ATS threads:

hollow earth? interesting links by infinite

Admiral Byrd's log book by timoothy

Hitler's contact with an alien species by Indigo_Child

Also, if you haven't been directed to them yet, the following are some useful links for getting to know ATS in general:

Frequently Asked Questions

Zedd's Handbook of ATS Links

How to resize an image

Answers to FAQs not in the FAQ

I hope you enjoy your time at ATS, connectabore. Welcome to the community!

[edit on 11/10/05 by Jeremiah25]

posted on Oct, 11 2005 @ 12:35 PM
Wasn't Hitler fascinated with this idea?

Experditions were sent to seek out 'pure' aryan races. Some were supposedly underground based.

posted on Oct, 11 2005 @ 03:12 PM
The 'hollow earth' theory doesn't make too much sense to me. First of all, during the formation of the Earth from space dust, a sphere would naturally form and condense due to gravity. A hollow sphere would just collapse into itself. You also have to consider plate tectonics and admit that they must be on some kind of liquid medium to allow movement of any kind. If the Earth were hollow, then what would be there to prevent this liquid medium (mantle) from falling towards the center of the Earth due to gravity? There shouldn't be anything solid under this mantle because the pressure and heat that caused this liquid medium in the first place would not allow this to happen. Even if some kind of solid surface did exist that could support the mantle, and was composed of the same solid material believed to exist inside the inner core, the pressure and heat would be too high to support life on that surface.

I do however remain open to the idea that pockets of the Earth could be inhabited by alien races. Although I don't particularly believe in it, I doubt anyone can really disprove it. I suppose an advanced civilization would have the means to be self-sufficient in that kind of enviroment.

[edit on 11-10-2005 by zhangmaster]

posted on Oct, 11 2005 @ 03:25 PM
well as far as i know a person has not managed to go to the center of the earth so the hollow earth and the conventional theroy still need proving

for all we know we could be as columbus saw the average people dumb because we dont know the world is round.

Nice to see your still posting Yavis havent seen you in ages

posted on Oct, 12 2005 @ 12:21 AM
I forgot I posted here until I found the tab that shows where I have already posted on this forum. Any way, this subjest is of great interest to me.

Just for fun I started a thread called "Lets take a journey into Hollow Earth."

Thankyou very much for the links.

Thought I might just see what kind of discussion and research I may obtain under yet another hollow earth related thread.

I hope to learn with others truly interested as we proceed on a journey of fantasy, fact finding, and learning while we put some pieces together.

posted on Oct, 12 2005 @ 03:07 AM
of course there is life under the earth !

proteus anguinus:

30 cm, no eyes, skin colour like human, thats why over here its called "human fish".People used to think this gentle little creatures are dragons children, when heavy rains brought some of them to the surface.

As for inteligent life, well i heard of one explanation that says that the glowing orbs that come out of the volcanos and even trough the ground are ships of aliens living in deep underground "pockets", that have more to do with vibrations and dimensions, than the actual caverns. I belive even the disclosure guys know about them.

But i dont see any reason why some sort of "inteligent" life couldnt evolve in self sufficient underground ecosystems, which were discovered to exist just recently. Im not saying civilization like ours, but at least a decent food chain

posted on Oct, 12 2005 @ 03:34 AM

Okay, go here and show me where the hole is.

[edit on 12-10-2005 by Toelint]

posted on Oct, 12 2005 @ 03:50 AM

Originally posted by cmdrkeenkid
In short, no. There is the hollow earth idea, which says something like that, but it's just about as correct as saying the Earth is flat.

Come on!!! That is probably the worst thing you can say about anything!

There is absolutely no way you can rule out the possibility that intelligent life exists deep or not quite so deep under Earth!

Originally posted by cmdrkeenkid
Last time I checked, science has done a great deal for our world, so why not put stock into it?

Because scientific theories and "common knowledge" constantly gets disproven and replaced by better theories.

Nothing in science is constant, it is just there until a better explanation comes along.

Originally posted by cmdrkeenkid
And if you're going to claim that NASA or any other scientific workings are all falacy, then maybe you need to be reminded that it goes both ways.

In the same way as against your claims (read further).

Originally posted by cmdrkeenkid Have most people ever seen, talked with, or heard God or aliens?

First of all, you cannot compare god to aliens. Nobody has ever seen god, many many many have seen aliens.
Secondly you cannot compare either to the concept of hollow earth. Utterly different things.

Originally posted by cmdrkeenkid
So where are the "pockets and caverns the size of cities" you all talk about? I can provide some scientific evidence as to why they cannot exist if you can provide some scientific evidence as to why they do.

I doubt there is any (readily avaliable) scientific evidence that says life exists under the earth.

In the same sort of way, there is no (legitimate) scientific evidence which states that life cannot exist under Earth.

Our understanding of what's down there is exremely limited, despite of what we may think.

Everything we believe that exists below the crust is nothing more than a guess - and that's a very important thing to state.

Now comes my standpoint.

Personally I believe there are a lot of huge caves below the surface, I do not specifically believe nor disbelieve in the concept of Hollow Earth and similar things, I would only like to say that it's entirely possible.

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