Okay - Well...I didn't buy a Dell computer....But I did buy a 19-inch monitor from them about a year ago....
Of course, I figured - Why pay for it now when I can pay even more for it over the next 5 years of my life?! Biiiig mistake…..
I don't know if any of you have any experience with Dell's customer service team....Basically, they occupy 5 seven story buildings in India.....And
they're all named Bob and don't speak much English....
"Listen Bob....or whatever your name really is....I sent you my payment - It's reflected on my online bank statement......You guys are saying it's
still due - What do I have to do to clear this up?!"
"I'm sorry sir - I did not understand you - Now - Do you want to make this payment?"
"Can I speak with your supervisor?"
"I'm sorry sir - I don't know what you are saying - When you decide to make your payment, please call us back"
Oooohhh no you did not just hang up on me!
So I called the next day and made another payment over the phone to keep my account current.....
They call back two days later - Something at which they
are very proficient at doing by the way....
"You're account is past due and we need you to make a payment over the phone to bring it current"
"What?! No! I'm not doing this again - You've lost two of my payments, yet they’ve both been deducted from my checking account"
"I'm sorry sir - I don't understand what you're saying - Can you verify your favorite ice cream flavor and the name of your brother's pet
"I don't eat ice cream and I don't have a brother"
Okay - That last part was made up.....
This is driving me nuts - I finally did speak with a supervisor - I faxed proof of payment from my bank - I get
another call....
"Sir your account is past due, if you could please make a....."
"I want to speak with your supervisor Victor please"
"We don't have a supervisor by that name"
Oh my God people......I friggin lost it on the phone with that poor Indian dude....I used to be a CSR - I know what it's like when you're getting
bitched at on the phone by a customer.....But I couldn't hold it anymore....
This whole situation is about to drive me absolutely insane.....I finally got the guy to get someone to research it ASAP - I told him I refuse to make
one more payment on my account until I found out where my other two payments have gone.....
Meanwhile they're zapping my credit down to dick and I'm stuck with this ulcer that just won't go away....
If the language barrier wasn't already enough before, I've got to deal with incompetent banking....
Kids - Don't accept those credit card offers
[edit on 7/17/2005 by EnronOutrunHomerun]