posted on Jul, 16 2005 @ 09:23 PM
Because this is 100% verified, not some wild guesses or gossip.
Besides, people usually look at this subject as making up things, and of course are not really interested in accepting the truth, and this kind of
phenomena I didn't found till now on usual topics about ufos.
I wonder if much of those are fabricated stories. They so much look alike.
But sure maybe it can be moved to ufo section, I just didn't want to go so public. I think it was good that I didn't talk much about it. People
still mainly look at me as normal, if I started this subject, "oh here is scizo." "yes, yes.", but then avoiding me, hmm, I am very normal person,
even boring person, but these things had happened, and I heard some stories from other people, too, and this one from my relative and btw it was near
airport/radar facility.
I also made hypothesis if radars made this UFO thing common, it is electromagnetic, and strong electromagnetic radiation, so it can make
malfunctioning in some ultra technology, even making it to crash, but at least making them visible for a moment.