posted on Jul, 15 2005 @ 11:44 AM
I have had my wanderings on message boards and in online games and I always find lots of people who are the same. I just got done reading a thread on
ATS where some member decided "Hey they cant see me they don't know me let me be a hard A$$!" and then they insulted the thread called it hooblaha
and then were proceeded to beinsulted by everyone in the thread; you know what I'm talking about.
I've noticed when people realize that OH I can be an Arse and no one can do anythign about it let me be an "Internet bully" when in real life they
would never stand up to a turkey that has just been cooked for thanksgiving because they are a hippy liberal fighting for animal rights. hahah (no
offense was ment in that comment for anyone who is liberal and is an animal rights activist. I was just making a slight joke, I respect your oppinions
and you beliefs sorry if that was offensive)
It happens all the time.. like I am playing an onlime multiplayer game and you say something liek "AH I'm low on ammo!" and you have your internet
hard arse say " No one gives a F* if you have no ammo go home and cry or something"
Why can't people be the nice people they really are what is so prospecting about being able to get away with being an arse on the internet that suck
so many good people into doing it. I'm tired of it.
I act like I act in real life when I am on the internet. wehter it be on AIM, ATS, ID or online games. I'm nice and will start intresting
converstaions with strangers and make nice jokes. Personally I hate it when people have a false immage of me... One night I forgot to leave a tip
after dinner and when I left I realized this and was litteraly upset for a week because this waiter had this immage that I was an arse. I want people
to know who I am and what I stad for. I don't want a false immage of me portrayed.
Act like yourselves. And if you asking "How does he know that they just aren't Arseholes in life?" I have freinds who do it. and I know that
outsidwe fof the internet inviorment they are not the big bad meine butts they are online.
Stop cowering under your keyboard and stand up for who you are and what you really believe in. The people who act natural on the internet they are
the strong bad arses because they are not afraid to be themselves. THey are comftorable enough with heir personality what they live for to stand up
for it.
basically Grow up!