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Something Strange in the sky.

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posted on Aug, 19 2003 @ 11:56 AM
Well, Last night night, I saw something strange. I got home at about 9:45pm. I had a great view of Mars. Very bright, the moon had not yet come up over the hills.

I stared at Mars for about 2 minutes, and just as I got ready to go inside, I saw another bright light in the sky. Very red, very bright, as bright as mars itself, but a little more red as Mars appeared almost orange. This light slowly moved to the right. I watched it for about three minutes, and then all of a sudden it zipped to the left really fast. Then dropped some distance and started zipping to the right again. It then stopped completely and stayed in place for about ten seconds, then rose at an extremely high rate of speed and dissapeared.

Now, I have seen a UFO before. This thing was way off in the distance and had maneuvering capabilities beyong any conventional aircraft. I am not going to outright callit a UFO. But this was a Flying Object that was of, to me, an unknown origin. I cannot easily catagorize nor reference this thing.

Thought you may be interested in my sighting.
Did anyone else have a similar experience last night???? (I am in western NY for reference)

posted on Aug, 19 2003 @ 12:14 PM

Originally posted by ImAlreadyPsycho
This thing was way off in the distance and had maneuvering capabilities beyong any conventional aircraft. I am not going to outright callit a UFO

UFO = Unidentifired Flying Object.

To call it a UFO you need to ask yourself 3 things:
1. Was it unidentified?
2. Was it flying?
3. Was it an object?

If the answer to all 3 is "yes" then you saw a UFO


posted on Aug, 19 2003 @ 12:24 PM
I too have seen something VERY VERY similar, I live in Eastern New York (Long Island). I reported it on the site before, as it happened a few years ago. You can read my report here. Its towards the middle of the page.

posted on Aug, 19 2003 @ 12:38 PM
Yep me to !!! but it was not red in was white, I thought it was a shooting star untill it changed direction...

Then the strangest thing is i saw this again last night
i was out side looking at the stars....and my friend djdohboy spotted this object moving could of been space junk but god it was moving so fast....

[Edited on 19-8-2003 by asala]


posted on Aug, 19 2003 @ 01:19 PM

I stared at Mars for about 2 minutes, and just as I got ready to go inside, I saw another bright light in the sky. Very red, very bright, as bright as mars itself, but a little more red as Mars appeared almost orange. This light slowly moved to the right. I watched it for about three minutes, and then all of a sudden it zipped to the left really fast. Then dropped some distance and started zipping to the right again. It then stopped completely and stayed in place for about ten seconds, then rose at an extremely high rate of speed and dissapeared.

See this is what I hate everyone else gets to see cool lights in the sky, have missing time, and see Bigfoot but me. I feel left out here. Every week someone new comes on saying they witnessed one of the above. Consider yourselves lucky as I have yet to see anything.

posted on Aug, 19 2003 @ 02:54 PM

Originally posted by Sanders

Originally posted by ImAlreadyPsycho
This thing was way off in the distance and had maneuvering capabilities beyong any conventional aircraft. I am not going to outright callit a UFO

UFO = Unidentifired Flying Object.

To call it a UFO you need to ask yourself 3 things:
1. Was it unidentified?
2. Was it flying?
3. Was it an object?

If the answer to all 3 is "yes" then you saw a UFO

The answer is YES to all three, however, conventional UFO or otherwise is my question. But yes, it was a UFO of some kind.

posted on Aug, 19 2003 @ 02:56 PM

Originally posted by ID

See this is what I hate everyone else gets to see cool lights in the sky, have missing time, and see Bigfoot but me. I feel left out here. Every week someone new comes on saying they witnessed one of the above. Consider yourselves lucky as I have yet to see anything.

Careful what you wish for. I used to say I wanted to see real ghosts. Now, I live in a home that is haunted and used to have a ghost that was very violent. Thank the gods it is gone.

This was a really wierd experience with the UFO last night though.

posted on Aug, 19 2003 @ 02:57 PM
Definately a UFO - by definition anyways.

It either was an alien ship or a military aircraft. Either one would be cool to see. Yep, consider your self lucky because I haven't seen a UFO like that...I've only seen strange lights in the sky that didn't appear to be a jet/chopper...Thanks for sharing

posted on Aug, 19 2003 @ 03:05 PM
I've seen exactly two odd things in the sky and I have no idea what either of them were.

1. I definately saw a pulsed laser cross the sky on a cloudy night about 100 miles north of london.

2. I've definitely seen a black triangle shaped craft, which silently passed overhead one night in Norfolk, about 7 years ago. It was heading east, out over the norrth sea. It was only a couple of hundred feet overhead, I'm guessing. I could only really make out the shape from the stars being blocked as it passed over and the smallest of visible edges in the moonlight. I have no idea what it was.

posted on Aug, 19 2003 @ 03:22 PM
I keep thinking i see something in the sky, but it is my imagination
.i think. also i always get strange feelings in my house, but im hoping it is just me being paranoid, or at least a ghost called casper

Regards Jonathan

posted on Aug, 19 2003 @ 03:23 PM
Hey, I've seen Ufo's that eve defy the own explanation.
I live about 2 miles from a national gaurd base calle camp Robinson. I'm in the country and a giant hill separates my community and the base. One night I was enjoying a brewsky about 9:00pm in october when i noticed an amber colored light hovering about 1000 ft above the base. At first glance it seemed like a helicopter, but as I looked closer it was wobbling. Then I ran in and got my binoculars. When I looked through them ( keep in mind it's maybe 3mi from my position) I saw that it wasn't amber but a whole array of colors that were cascading around the object that appeared to be somewhat bell shaped.

Now This is where it gets interesting. About this time I hear what sounds like helicopters travelling mighty fast from the camp (now also keep in mind we have a large fleet of black Hawks here) they show up within a minute or so 2 of them and they are heading right at this thing. As they zoomed at it it merely does this hopping motion and misses them both with relative ease. then another helicopter joins this swarray and three of them are now ganging up on this thing, but it is not bothered by their presence.

The object really didn't move from the position it was in untill about 2mins later it starts moving (SILENTLY) NE and losing altitude. The damn thing went over the trees that are about 150 yrds from my driveway. As it went over the trees seemed to move like there was wind but if youve been in arkansas you know that wind isn't a big deal, but they moved like there was a thunderstorm rolling through. And, though it made no noise you could tell there was a "Force" pushing it almost like what you feel near a major power station "Static Air".

Then I listened and lo and behold I hear a jet screaming from the Little Rock Air base to the north. I knew it was moving fast because it sounded like thunder and it's October there are no thunderstorms. Well this is where I have to say with all the science and physics I know of I have never seen anything like what happened next.
The object began to swing itself around and just as the jet got close the damn thing took off with blinding speed. I swear on my own mothers grave that it went so fast that the residual light from the craft couldnt keep up!!!!

The lights made a tracer it moved so fast and let me tell you at this point I am dumbfounded, but I got a nice buzz from the adrenaline. It must have scared the military cause there were increased patrols for almost 2wks after the incident. Sometimes as many as 5 choppers flying around! This happened about 2 yrs ago, and i'll tell ya you never ever forget your first experience!!

posted on Aug, 19 2003 @ 04:21 PM
True that. I will never forget mine. First one I saw was broad daylight when I was in the fifth grade. It also was sort of bell shaped with lights all over it, and like port holes or something like windows. They were spaced every 5 feet or so. HUGE craft. It was less than a half mile away, but was huge. I gabbed my buddies and started to point to it just as it shot sooooo fast straight up, they never got a chance to see it even though I was starting to point. I was really ticked off as they thought I was nuts.

posted on Aug, 19 2003 @ 05:18 PM
Here's mine:

Post # 106691

posted on Aug, 19 2003 @ 07:43 PM

Originally posted by Valhall
Here's mine:

Post # 106691

The only weird things I ever saw in the sky were one time I saw these pulsing red and blue lights in a cloud once, and another time I saw some space junk that was coming into the atmosphere... it was rolling over and over and green junk like plasma or something was coming off of it. I was staring at it with a friend of mine and everyone came out from the restaraunt were at and watched it for the longest time.


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