posted on Aug, 3 2005 @ 02:52 PM
Alright - I'm back - first if you dont have Google Earth you should download it - the free version is , well, free so here you go:
This is a tool that you can use to basically fly all over the Earth and zoom in to see up close. The resolution of the freeware is able to make out a
car and you can see a person if you zoom into the big ferris wheel in London. Anyway - its pretty amazing in itself - alot of the planet is covered
in great detail, however alot is is not to clear. Good luck.
Back on topic - Ok I see everyones point - you can draw a line around the globe and it will likely interesect at least a couple of ancient sites. I
guess I'd have to basically agree with that . The facts that Byrd brought up like alot of important sites being omitted is true, howrver alot of
sites scattered throught the world do , in fact , line up.
I absolutely believe in a highly andvanced civilization exsisting on Earth in antiquity. There is an abundance of clues and countless enigmatic
structures strewn throught the globe. I believe the loss of the texts in the library of Alexandria is one of if not the most tragic losses our
civilization has endured. What knowkledge of these ancient peoples where lost to flame and ash? we will never know.
You all are invited to continue your discussion on this topic, and please use the Earth viewer to aid in some research ( it really is cool ) post your
findings as I will be anxious to learn what , if anything you discover.