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London Bombers had already been arrested

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posted on Jul, 13 2005 @ 10:49 AM
Some breaking news is stating that the perpetrators of the London bombings had already been arrested following a terrorist crack down operation post 9/11.

If this proves to be true it is a huge failing of Charles Clarke's group and could realistically end in his notice being demanded.

The Government has denied claims the London bomb suspects were arrested last year.

Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy said Home Secretary Charles Clarke was keen to let the men go free so they could be monitored.

"It seems that part of this team had been subject to partial arrest ... in Spring 2004," Mr Sarkozy told a news conference.

That was denied by a British official.

[edit on 13-7-2005 by benjj]

posted on Jul, 13 2005 @ 10:51 AM
Wow! Heads will certainly roll if this turns out to be true.

posted on Jul, 13 2005 @ 10:54 AM
Charles Clarke is mad about this, extremely made at the French because he hasn't talked to him about it and when the names were released yesterday, the media would have picked up on this.

Also, why would Charles Clarke discuss something to a French minister which is classfied information? it would be against the security service act.

This is the French take a stab at us (again!)

posted on Jul, 13 2005 @ 10:58 AM
Only one name was known to the police before because he had links to another suspect who was investigated last Spring. But he was not arrested and had no connection in the end

Scotland Yard have confirmed.

We are very pissed at the French jumping to conclusions

posted on Jul, 13 2005 @ 11:00 AM
Probably another post Olympic jab.

posted on Jul, 13 2005 @ 11:03 AM

Originally posted by Uncle Joe
Probably another post Olympic jab.


I think it was the Paris mayor or something..

said we cheated

posted on Jul, 13 2005 @ 11:12 AM
If anyone recalls, the 9-11 terrorists were also stopped several times by police, and at least once were observed by the FBI, yet they were not arrested or detained.

posted on Jul, 13 2005 @ 11:34 AM

Originally posted by benjj

The Government has denied claims the London bomb suspects were arrested last year.

Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy said Home Secretary Charles Clarke was keen to let the men go free so they could be monitored.

"It seems that part of this team had been subject to partial arrest ... in Spring 2004," Mr Sarkozy told a news conference.

That was denied by a British official.

Ummm Charles Clarke was only appointed in December 2004 - previous to that he was at Education. So that's a blatant factual inaccuracy for a start. Tut, tut you'd think that the French would have checked that out, wouldn't you?

posted on Jul, 13 2005 @ 11:51 AM
whether they were or not it dosent matter.
the security services know the id's of many extremists, the monitor their movements, and to a certain extent who they are involved with, BUT unless they make a mistake along the way (go into a cornor shop an place an order for 1lb of semtex and pay by credit card oh yeah and ask for it to be delivered) then unfortunatly thats all the secruity services can do is MONITOR THEM!!!
the european court of human rights
people are jumping on the bandwagon, even when the U.K was being hit by the IRA the security knew who they were what they were doing and every now and again hit them before they hit us,
as much as i disagree with a lot of what the security services get upto, im sorry to say i think their hands are tied......
but now with this law you have to be 101% sure.
now you have lawyers and solictors who are being funded by public money tax money and our money to get people who have been caught red handed, off on a technicality of human rights , (maybe they werent allowed to pick their nose when they wanted to ) some s**t like that!!!!!

posted on Jul, 13 2005 @ 11:54 AM
Well the French had no right to say this at all and cannot back it up. Its false anyways, Scotland Yard have confirmed this..

All in favour of invading France say "Yes"


[edit on 13-7-2005 by infinite]

posted on Jul, 13 2005 @ 11:57 AM
you are 100% right the frogs had no right in saying this !!!!!
and yes im on the ferry with you

posted on Jul, 13 2005 @ 11:57 AM
The explination is quite clear;

The London bombers are ex-gitmo detainee's conditioned into mind controlled Islamic zombies of the NWO.

I swear.

posted on Jul, 13 2005 @ 12:08 PM
Hey group, I found an interesting article that gives an overview and after effects of the London attacks.

(Mod edit- to remove link, Please review ATS terms)

[edit on 13-7-2005 by asala]

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