posted on Jul, 19 2005 @ 06:34 AM
I personally can't wait to see the broadening field of nanotechnology and research in general, at a subatomic level flourish. Whilst many of you fear
the obvious applications for evil eg bio/viral weapons, I think we can all agree the benefits far outweigh the risks, not only to the cure of disease,
but to- what fewer people know- space exploration.
And going off on a tangent
image credits: wikipedia
Having just recently completed a physics report on the possible use of carbon nanotubing (reinforced at the atomic level, and capable to withstand
tension and compressive forces upto that a third of grade A diamond, but also pliable/maleable) with respect to the space elevator concept, I can say
this is one area where nanotechnology will improve the situation drastically.
Within the next 20-30 years, having a moderately paced, and more cost effective, transit system between earth and a geosynchronous orbit (the moon
and perhaps even the planets) could be achievable through the development of such material. The concept of the space elevator itself sounds
unfeasable, but I assure you it is physically sound, and a lot more fuel/cost effective, as the climber can transport people/goods/shuttles up the
cable through electricity, there is no 8-11km/s espace velocity barrier to overcome, so no millions of tons of fuel to be used in launching anything
up into the sky. The only problem up until now, a material strong enough, yet also "bendable" (conductive etc other properties), to support the
gravitational forces experienced by the cable has not been naturally found.
Personally I think nanotech can and probably will become the equivalent of the computer chip way back in the 80's and beforehand. It will find
applications in all aspects of science, and on the whole prove beneficiary for our advacement as a society.
[edit on 19/7/05 by painkiller]