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gun laws in ct

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posted on Jul, 11 2005 @ 04:38 PM
Anyone got a link where i can see connetticuts gun laws? Im aware of some but not all and im planning on moving there so id like see wut there laws are. Any links are appreciated.

posted on Jul, 11 2005 @ 04:40 PM

Originally posted by mikem2939
Anyone got a link where i can see connetticuts gun laws? Im aware of some but not all and im planning on moving there so id like see wut there laws are. Any links are appreciated.

here ya go, if not enough ill try to get some more for u. in anicase its pretty confusin about crossin into another state and the laws are different, i think it should have just the national law on guns instead of each states having their own. thats my opinion.

posted on Jul, 11 2005 @ 04:43 PM
Well whatever they are they can’t bar you form having guns, thank that old piece of paper for that.

posted on Jul, 11 2005 @ 04:56 PM
thanks,i was readin some other things and it said that shot guns and 22. long rifles are alound for hunting in ct.I wonder about 22. shorts

posted on Jul, 11 2005 @ 05:40 PM

Originally posted by WestPoint23
Well whatever they are they can’t bar you form having guns, thank that old piece of paper for that.

But they can make it extremely hard to permit you to possess. I live in Mass. and have been waiting almost four monthes for my LTC. A good place to study up on Conn. laws may be they have links for all of the U.S.

posted on Jul, 14 2005 @ 11:18 PM
You'll find it hard to gain better information than that shown on:

posted on Jul, 19 2005 @ 08:03 AM
God, you guys are soooooooo lucky - having a proper constitution and all that. The 'Right To Keep And Bear Arms' is something I covet greatly.

We Brits have something called 'Magna Carta' which King John signed on the Isle of Runnymead a long, long time ago. It supposedly gave us 'peasents' rights over kings and Barons, raised our standard of living, and above all, gave us hope for our future.

We also used to have something called 'The Firearms Act 1968'. Under it's original provisions, we were allowed to own firearms (rifles and semi-automatic handguns) provided we belonged to gun clubs and demonstrated 'upright' citizanry and held a Fire Arms Certificate (FAC).
Shotguns could be owned by anybody who held the appropriate certificate.

Now, after a couple of really horrific gun crimes, successive Brit governments have reformed the law so that we are humstrung and can't even own a shotgun with more than 3 rounds in the mag!

posted on Jul, 19 2005 @ 08:37 AM
In Singapore, its like this.

Question:What are the laws regarding gun ownership? Are shooting facilities available and open to the public? Specifically are skeet and sporting clays facilities available? What about private gun/handgun ownership?

Answer:Gun ownership in Singapore is illegal. There is however a private gun club which provides rifles and ammunition for skeet and trap shooting. Membership costs S$3300 plus S$300 a year

Certain firearm offences may also face the gallows. Example, using one to kill or injure another.

posted on Jul, 27 2005 @ 05:42 PM
In most states the place to go for gun laws is the your local County Sheriff's Office. If the state is smart enough, that is where you can get your concealed handgun permit. For instance in Oregon and Colorado you can easily get a concealed hangun permit if you have taken and passed a NRA or other approved firearms class. Then you go to the County Sheriff's Office and get finger printed ann photographed. Then it is sent to the NCIC. If you have no offences,warrents or other major infractions
you will get your permit in three to eight weeks. Minor traffic infractons are no problem. I know that in L.A. and N.Y.C. you can just forget about having a handgun permit. Of course these are the places that you might need a handgun the most. Long guns are usually legal in most states. Good luck and good shooting.

posted on Aug, 4 2005 @ 01:36 AM
I just got the application for my first gun permit from my local Connecticut police station.

I wanted to know if the application I got, which is the Green Temporary State Permit To Carry

Pistols And Revolvers application will allow me to carry a gun concealed on my body at all

times except in places not allowed by law. I am new to this whole process. Is there a

different application for a CCW permit?

Also, I just got my application for the temporary state permit, I was fingerprinted at the

police station now I am just waiting to take the NRA training course so I can turn it the

temporary state permit application, I was wondering when I can actually buy a gun? Do I

have to wait till I get the permit to carry or can I get one sooner.

I am sorry if my questions are dumb but I honestly don't know. I just turned 21 and this is

my first time doing this. I thank you in advance for any info you can give me and I hope to

hear from you soon

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