posted on Jul, 11 2005 @ 01:07 PM
LONDON (AP) — Britain and the U.S. are trying to build a new strategy to exit Iraq that could see British troops leaving the country by Christmas, a
newspaper reported citing a government memo written by the defense secretary.
The Mail on Sunday reported that British Defense Secretary John Reid drafted a secret paper for Prime Minister Tony Blair outlining how most of the
country's 8,500 troops could be sent home from Iraq within three months, with the rest by the end of the year.
The document also said the U.S. was looking to cut back its own troop levels to 66,000, down from the 135,000 there now.
I can see Britain leaving. Especially after the bombings, I am not saying that the Brits are some kind of cowards. To the contrary. I just can't
picture Bush withdrawling our Troups any time soon. Bush likes war too much to let go now.
[edit on 7/11/2005 by Rhiannon1968]
[edit on 7/11/2005 by Rhiannon1968]