posted on Jul, 11 2005 @ 08:51 AM
Well, thanks for the kudos, but I'm hardly in the same league as the guys who devote their full time to it....
For me, I'm going to go with
J. Allen Hyneck.
Here's why. He was of course, first on the other side. He's seen the coverup firsthand, as part of Project Bluebook. He was well-respected in the
scientific community, and yet still was willing to address the subject seriously... Some of his former debunkings are still touted by skeptics, even
after later admissions after coming over to the other side, which really makes things fun, hehe...
Other notables certainly include those mentioned (for those unaware of Stringfield, he co-authored with Friedman), such as Stanton Friedman, Timothy
Good, etc. Nick Pope is another good choice (former MoD member, and was involved officially on the subject), as well as Kevin Randle.