posted on Aug, 18 2003 @ 02:50 PM
I have seen no signifigant price decrease in Ford autos, yet many of thier cars are made in Mexico.
For business related stuff, im sure, for companies buying products en masse from other cpmpanies, im sure they get big price cuts.
For the consumer, the price remains the same. Maytag wahsers made in mexico still cost the same as when they were made in the US.
The company I used to work closed our plant and sent the jobs to mexico. Yet the costs of products remained the same, ultimately. because while they
may have lowered thier price (we manufactured nameplats, hazard stickers, circuitboard membranes, interface panels, injection molded pieces, ect), the
companies, getting a cheaper product to make thier products with, have not. We made parts for TVs, remote controls, heart minotors, ect. Do you see
any price decrease in these?