posted on Jul, 22 2005 @ 11:35 AM
Originally posted by Bout Time
That might very well be the perspective of Liberals, I don't know - but I do fear you've fallen to the over simplification that is rampant amongst
Republicans, and those who think they want to be rich like them:
I'm falling into the oversimplication of republican ideology? I'm not quite sure what your talking or what part of my post you are refering to.
Whatever happened sensing, thinking, percieving? I'm here, I know what they do, I see it, I hear them talk, I hear their point by point agenda, their
hopes and goals, I don't need to fall into anything, because I have a brain, that works for me, I don't need to listen and regurgitate what some
republican says.
speaking as a Progressive & a Capitalist ( money loving Capitalist as my niece refers to me), it's not about "doing for" people what they
need to do for themselves, it's removing the entitlements for those who grew up at the top of the system and the barriers for those who grew up at
the bottom of the system. An Equal Opportunity playing field.
I agree with removing some of the entitlements for thsoe who grew up at the top, but i'm not sure what barriers there are for those who grew up at
the bottom. There is opportunity everywhere for these people, they don't have barriers in front of them, whatever happened if you have the drive you
go for it. I didn't know those people who made it to the top from the bottom had to go through any kind of barrier. Sure there's obstacles
everywhere, something always happens, nothing runs smoothly but i'm not sure what your talking about exactly when it comes to barriers. there's a
handful of people I know that started out at the bottom and are millionaires now, i don't recall them saying the system is unfair and they had to hop
over the same hurdles...
It's naive to think that everyone starts out the same or don't encounter obstacles because of their educational opportunites.
I never said everyone starts out the same...Even if you are educated doesn't mean you'll be rich... The main reason why people get an education
(higher education) is to get a job, a 40/wk job. to me, they aren't out to get rich they just want a high paying job. i'm talking about self
educating. i don't want to get into the subject but people if they want it bad enough they know where to look, and they know how to go about it.
thats all im saying.
That welfare mom now millionaire - did she get banks lining up to give her loans to start her business ( like a certain Kennebunkport Scion
with no business plan, idea or vision), or did she have a full cavity search performed on her pristine business plan having it denied by lender after
she had a business plan made up because she had an idea, she went to a publisher... shopped around, and found one.