posted on Jul, 9 2005 @ 12:04 PM
I am new to this forum, however I have read them in the past. I recently registeed, because I saw two "UFO's" within the past few months. I am
here to learn more about them, and hopefully get an explaination.
The first I saw was a bright vivid blue "cloud," that changed to bright green, then bright yellow, orange, and finally red, after which it
dissipated, and a black spherical object seemed to be doing a nose dive into the ocean. (Mind you I saw this near the Camp Pendelton military
installation in California.)
The second I saw was five or six bright yellow lights, sitting in the sky seeming to just hover, but each had a lage smoke trail eminating from the
top. I have driven past this area and have not seen towers or anything of the sort which might have explained it.
Thanks for the help,