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Its time for some real mudfights!

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posted on Aug, 18 2003 @ 01:55 AM
Okay, enough of this wimpy mudslinging here, lets start a good old political battle. I want every party represented here from Democrat to Republican, Nazi Green to Pansexual Peace, so I will diss them all.

Republicans: Dear god it's the Fourth Reich!
Are these folks just seeing how far they can get before the American public rises up and kills every elected official, from the School Board to the Puppet in Chief. Sullying the environment, fabricating wars, demonizing a respectable religion and impugning on the rights of every citizen of this country I love; its enough to have Teddy Roosevelt spinning in his grave. And they are such sorry losers too, when they cannot win an election the resort to "recalls" or whining to the Supreme Court to be crowned. They are the playthings of Corporations, tending to their every beck and call. Every ordinary citizen who ever voted Republican since 1904 should be ashamed of themselves. How does Reganomics directly help you? How do you benefit from Corporations paying less taxes while you pay more? How does the massive increases in Military spending help you while healthcare, welfare, and education are being cut? Why do you vote Republican when it is only a vote used to suppress your rights and living standards?

Democrats: I dont really need to repeat myself here, basically everything that I said before goes for this too. You are being deluded by Republiclones that speak differently from the GOPites but act like Ronald Regan Jr. They are slowly improving but for too long have they stood aside and let Conservatives rape everything we believe in and often encourage the violation. All democrats should ask themselves what have the politicians you voted into power done for you?

Greens: I have nothing to say bad about you, VOTE GREEN!

Everyone else: What do you think you are doing, voting for a negilible third party? Vote Green and your vote will count!

As you can see, I am quite against the major parties, and the only ones I endorse are the Greens. I would prefer to take a Washingtonian approach and get rid of all parties and have voters make real choices rather than voting straight ticket.

I look forward to your replies.


posted on Aug, 18 2003 @ 02:00 AM

Greens: I have nothing to say bad about you, VOTE GREEN!


So far as Green's go... I dated, for a single weekend, a guy who was one of the Green party activists at my college. Let's just say that his 'medicinal habits' impaired more things than his mind.

posted on Aug, 18 2003 @ 02:06 AM
le stoner no el boner *he was half french half spanish*

I don't know about any other cats, but when I get high, well it works fine... and I can go longer...
But enough about me

oh yeah

Republicans... BASTARDS, Bush..? ROFLMAO!

Dem, Al Gore? Did you want Bush to win?

Nazi Party... You Nazi Sh*t Heads!!!

posted on Aug, 18 2003 @ 02:07 AM
Greens do get some supporters from their position on legal marijuana, but anyone with half a brain (or a half-baked brain) should realize that drug legalization is good.


posted on Aug, 18 2003 @ 03:32 AM
All you are arguing over is whether you want to vote for the Left wing of the Federal Reserve Party or the Right wing of the Federal Reserve Party.

posted on Aug, 18 2003 @ 03:39 AM
Ok. Repub here!!!...or, conservative individual that is.

I see there are some trying to take the colonels crown.
It is silly to generalize people because of their party affiliations. My mother is Democrat and is very conservative in many ways and thoughts. My dad was (he is passed) Republican and was really conservative in all ways!! But he was a cool guy!

I do not litter- I will ball a straw paper in my pocket and throw it away at home before dropping it on the ground. Hmm. I have never started a thread here bashing anyones religion- even if I disagree with some forms of that religion in contrast to my beliefs. I generally dislike all people so, I am very fair-
I think you would be hard pressed to find many threads started by avowed Repubs bashing another religion just for the sake of doning it. Unlike some (many) who do just this and get rewarded for it.

I think young people should be Liberal. I think as one becomes older one just gains more conserative thinking. I don't think parties are the solution, I just think some have more to offer than others.

posted on Aug, 18 2003 @ 04:00 AM
You vote republican, and yet your personal actions show you to be the exact opposite of those you support.

You do not litter: They destroy the environment on a massive scale.

You accept others religous choices: When was the last time you heard a major republican say "I disagree with Islam but I respect personal choice and freedoms." No, people of different faiths are reviled and persecuted by the right wing. Islam is denounced and Mohamed declared a terrorist.

And as for age and political choice, I believe you, even Reagan was a communist in his younger days. I am young but I can understand politics and morals, and I know what is ethical and not. I know that what the governmet is doing, and I know that it is wrong. I need no demagogue to tell me this. I can see that it is an affront to humanity and the whole world what those in power are doing. I accept conservative thinking and on occaision embrace it, but the government right now is not conservative, just psycho authoritarian.

As for colonels crown, I am sure he is not a monarchist and would not mind a nice socialist sharing of power


p.s. I went toe to toe against conservatives long before colonel joined, I am a veteran at this.

posted on Aug, 18 2003 @ 06:55 AM

Originally posted by xaos

Greens: I have nothing to say bad about you, VOTE GREEN!


As a general, mud-free recommendation, when you place the thumbs up next to the smiley face it can only look like suicide by small handgun.

It isn't the best look for promoting green party politics.



is a reasonable application of the same principle.

posted on Aug, 18 2003 @ 06:10 PM
Damnit MA, it was supposed to be a subliminal to force coercion in voting.

Ex: xaos is king
or else
Post in this thread

Maybe not.


posted on Aug, 18 2003 @ 06:13 PM

Originally posted by MaskedAvatar

Originally posted by xaos

Greens: I have nothing to say bad about you, VOTE GREEN!


As a general, mud-free recommendation, when you place the thumbs up next to the smiley face it can only look like suicide by small handgun.

It isn't the best look for promoting green party politics.



is a reasonable application of the same principle.

Yes, and of course you have to turn the gun upside and place it on the LEFT ear for the really bad guys...


posted on Aug, 19 2003 @ 01:30 PM
I would think most that i have read posting on this board would qualify as libertarians. Fiscally conservative, no tax and spend, reduce government, repeal laws, and have more social freedoms. I am a very proud libertarian, and beleive it has the best chance of weing the 'third' party to dethrone the two majors (eventually)

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