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WAR: Police Warn Bombers Could Be Lining Up New Terror Attacks

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posted on Jul, 13 2005 @ 04:04 PM

Originally posted by spliff4020
America will just come along and save your asses..... again.

Man, you really have a warped sense of history. Missed most of WW1, 1/3 of WW2. Can America win a war that they start? Hmm, let analize. Korea, nope. Viet Nam, HELL nope. War on Drugs, Hahahahaha. War on Terrorism, the jury's out but I'm going with past track record.

Side note: My apologies to our American members, I just couldn't stand this guys arrogance.

posted on Jul, 13 2005 @ 04:48 PM
~*~ least not that crew or group of rucksack bombers,
the authorities determined the 4 from Leeds were blown up.

but wait a minute,

The theory is that the 'master-mind' is still on the loose,
and he could be influential enough to have 4 more
willing participants
for another operation involving bombs. Because the
master-mind knows that only ~10 lb bombs were used
on the thursday London attack ...& the Madrid attack
used 22 lb bombs...therefore the master-mind has
available 4 each, 12 lb bombs ready to distribute,

the public has been convinced that the London tube attackers
are martyred (either willingly or accidently perished)
So, a phase II, will need replacement martyrs...
not as difficult as it might seem, the standard for westerized
martyrs has been set, youth & social status & newborns are
not impediments or stumbling blocks to volunteer as a martyr.

My guess, that backpacks or rucksacks, cannot be used in the
next campaign....that's way too obvious & like a Red Flag Waving!!
how about some golf-bags? with the British Open getting underway
a caddy toting a bag of clubs might be a deadly combination....
!! Fore !!
might be a very scarey utterance, & double entrendre !!

posted on Jul, 13 2005 @ 05:44 PM

Originally posted by infinite
Just remember, we dealt with the IRA for decades plus we had our cities bombed by the Nazi's...these Islamic terrorists are nothing

I hope the rest of your countrymen keep that same attitude and resist the panic the government seems anxious to install as a means of bioID'ing the whole nation in the name of safety.

posted on Jul, 13 2005 @ 05:45 PM

Originally posted by Jeremiah_John
I hope the rest of your countrymen keep that same attitude and resist the panic the government seems anxious to install as a means of bioID'ing the whole nation in the name of safety.

Biometric ID cards was something the media has brought up, the Government hasn't even spoke of it (to my knowledge)

posted on Jul, 13 2005 @ 08:22 PM

posted on Jul, 13 2005 @ 09:11 PM

Originally posted by intrepid
Can America win a war that they start?

American War of Independence anyone? Let's see who's rear did we kick?

I don't mean to start a flame war. And I agree that the guy you replied to may have been arogant, but I just had to point out a flaw in your 'analysis'.

- McGrude

[edit on 2005/7/13 by McGrude]

posted on Jul, 13 2005 @ 11:32 PM

Originally posted by spliff4020
thats all well and good, but i still havent heard an idea of WHAT TO DO....

So far Im an "idiot", but at least I offer solutions....

I thought the solution was so obvious to a mad bomber that almost everyone already knew it. Let the police, detectives, etc. do their job by investigating using clues available. Track down the culprit(s) and then make arrests. If there is enough evidence, the guilty party is jailed and end of story as far as that one bomber goes.

If the UK decided to follow the other "brilliant" advice posted to just go and kill 10 people in the Middle East for everyone killed in the UK, what would be the likely reaction? In my opinion it wouldn't help anything (unless by a billion to one shot, they were all terrorists) because then all of the deceased relatives, friends, coworkers, fellow countrymen and women would cry out for justice or revenge for the innocents killed. I thought this was obvious to everyone but maybe it's not.

As far as taking over the Middle East goes, I think there are already a number of conspiracy threads about some people proposing a one world government. I don't like the thought of a dictator in charge of the world myself.

Bush had an idea of fighting terrorism by fighting countries that support it. I suppose if we follow that idea we can either fight it out in bloody wars or nuclear nightmares or try to negotiate to deter countries from supporting terrorism. Rather than losing millions of lives in a war with Iran or North Korea to fight terrorism, we might just be better off by negotiating peaceful settlements IMO.

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