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Is the Disclosure Project Authentic

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posted on Jul, 9 2005 @ 07:54 AM
The Disclosure Projectis a nonprofit research project working to fully disclose the facts about UFOs, extraterrestrial intelligence, and classified advanced energy and propulsion systems. We have over 400 government, military, and intelligence community witnesses testifying to their direct, personal, first hand experience with UFOs, ETs, ET technology, and the cover-up that keeps this information secret.

The Smoking Gun:
On Wednesday, May 9th, 2001 over twenty military, intelligence, government, corporate and scientific witnesses came forward at the National Press Club in Washington, DC to establish the reality of UFOs or extraterrestrial vehicles, extraterrestrial life forms, and resulting advanced energy and propulsion technologies. The weight of this first-hand testimony, along with supporting government documentation and other evidence, will establish without any doubt the reality of these phenomena, according to Dr. Steven M. Greer, director of the Disclosure Project which hosted the event.

Internet Video Broadcast
Watch the first fifteen minutes of the National Press Club Conference on May 9 2001
Click on the Play Arrow

Click here to download entire video.


For most people, the question of whether or not we are alone in the universe is a mere philosophical musing — something of academic interest but of no practical importance. Even evidence that we are currently being visited by non-human advanced life forms seems to many to be an irrelevancy in a world of global warming, crushing poverty and the threat of war. In the face of real challenges to the long-term human future, the question of UFOs, extraterrestrials and secret government projects is a mere sideshow, right? Wrong — catastrophically wrong.

The evidence and testimony presented in the following pages establishes the following:

Ø That we are indeed being visited by advanced extraterrestrial civilizations and have been for some time;

Ø That this is the most classified, compartmented program within the US and many other countries;

Ø That those projects have, as warned in 1961 by President Eisenhower, escaped legal oversight and control in the US, the UK and elsewhere;

Ø That advanced spacecraft of extraterrestrial origin, called extraterrestrial vehicles (ETVs) by some intelligence agencies, have been downed, retrieved and studied since at least the 1940s and possibly as early as the 1930s;

Ø That significant technological breakthroughs in energy generation and propulsion have resulted from the study of these objects (and from related human innovations dating as far back as the time of Nicola Tesla) and that these technologies utilize a new physics not requiring the burning of fossil fuels or ionizing radiation to generate vast amounts of energy;

Ø That classified, above top-secret projects possess fully operational anti-gravity propulsion devices and new energy generation systems that, if declassified and put to peaceful uses, would empower a new human civilization without want, poverty or environmental damage.

Those who doubt these assertions should carefully read the testimony of dozens of military and government witnesses whose testimony clearly establishes these facts. Given the vast and profound implications of these statements, whether one accepts or seriously doubts these assertions, all must demand that Congressional hearings be convened to get to the truth of this matter. For nothing less than the human future hangs in the balance.

When I first heard of the disclosure project, I assumed this is just another ruse or hoax. Then I watched the conference

I suggest EVERYONE watches at least the preview.



posted on Jul, 9 2005 @ 08:21 AM
THis has been discussed to death but imo this could be another govt disinfo.

posted on Jul, 9 2005 @ 08:22 AM
As much as we wanted Disclosure, nothing came of it ... Wonder Why?

If the good Dr. Greer would " keep his nose clean " so to speak, and stay on topic , with the Disclosure Portion of the Disclosure project , it would have worked better IMO.

posted on Jul, 9 2005 @ 08:27 AM

Originally posted by lost_shaman
As much as we wanted Disclosure, nothing came of it ... Wonder Why?

If the good Dr. Greer would " keep his nose clean " so to speak, and stay on topic , with the Disclosure Portion of the Disclosure project , it would have worked better IMO.

yep, well said. as we discussed yesterday in a thread

with regards to, if it was was true, none of us will really know, but the way i see it, we only need one of those stories to be true

[edit on 9-7-2005 by andy1033]

posted on Jul, 9 2005 @ 08:29 AM
A lot of media attended and a lot of former Military and Gov people were there discussing their specific incidents, all willing to testify to their reports in front of Congress.

But yah, little if nothing managed to make the news in print or on screen. Is the media being controlled from releasing this type of Non Debunking UFO reports?

As for Greer keeping his nose clean, sorry but I don't understand what your refering to?


posted on Jul, 9 2005 @ 08:33 AM
I'm refering to his UFO camps were He summons UFO's and other Paranormal things!

That stuff doesn't fly even with me... He should have stayed on the course of disclosure , everything else could have come later, if there was anything else to come?

posted on Jul, 9 2005 @ 08:36 AM

As for Greer keeping his nose clean, sorry but I don't understand what your refering to?

he has gone of in tangents, now he sounds like a tabloid piece when he speaks.
he has opened himself upto ridicule by doing the things he is doing now,
like for example you will hear him how he goes out looking for ufos on top of mountains, and claiming that all aliens are our best friends.
he now sounds like a modern version of those people in the 50's that claimed we are being visited by our space brothers etc...
if you have seen those vids from the 50's you will know what i mean.
what lost_shaman wrote was true he should of kept to the serious approach, without bringing in tabloid reteric.

[edit on 9-7-2005 by andy1033]

posted on Jul, 9 2005 @ 08:45 AM
Well I have followed Greer for a while and at times have found him a bit arrogant, but, he's a researcher and if he's hanging onto the side of mountain to get picture; or if he has gone off in tangients (see Friedman) or whatever..

At Least the man's around and still working the UFO problem to the Govs disfavor and to that end I say thanks Mr Greer.

Oh, last I heard he's also trying to bring forth the media silenced inventors of free or near free energy - thanks again Mr Greer.


posted on Jul, 9 2005 @ 08:56 AM

Originally posted by Dallas

Well I have followed Greer for a while and at times have found him a bit arrogant, but, he's a researcher and if he's hanging onto the side of mountain to get picture; or if he has gone off in tangients (see Friedman) or whatever..

At Least the man's around and still working the UFO problem to the Govs disfavor and to that end I say thanks Mr Greer.

Oh, last I heard he's also trying to bring forth the media silenced inventors of free or near free energy - thanks again Mr Greer.


Yeah ! There is something to be said for hanging in there .

As for disclosure... I say drop Greer , and pick up on Geveard!

At laest A.J. Geveard can say mission accomplished!

Even if it only turns out that the CBU only got to see the files once , it proves that the Files existed! It proves that the 150 pages of Op Prato that we have ( on-line at are legit!)

[edit on 9-7-2005 by lost_shaman]

posted on Jul, 9 2005 @ 09:46 AM

Originally posted by Dallas

Well I have followed Greer for a while and at times have found him a bit arrogant, but, he's a researcher and if he's hanging onto the side of mountain to get picture; or if he has gone off in tangients (see Friedman) or whatever..

At Least the man's around and still working the UFO problem to the Govs disfavor and to that end I say thanks Mr Greer.

Oh, last I heard he's also trying to bring forth the media silenced inventors of free or near free energy - thanks again Mr Greer.


i understand where youre coming from, i am afraid that the public do not take this matter as seriously(they do not believe in aliens or anti gravity or free energy etc...), so the public will have already been trained not to believe anyone that the government can bring up doubts about.
i was also glad someone tried to do a serious job, but what he does today will cause people to have the same reaction that caused them to laugh at those people in the 50's.
i understand you and others on this board talk about alot of things he also talks about(and most of the time he talks seriously about this stuff), so we on this board tend to not let the tabloid rubbish hinder our views on the subject. but when you try to convince the public, you have to try as much as possible, to be whiter than white(without any ridicule)
i watched the vids and thought if he just stayed to what was on the vids, it would of been fine.
with what you hear from him today, he has just crossed the line for most of the general public, because once they hear he does things like organising groups to go on top of mountains, calling down there friends the aliens, the public are conditioned to just laugh at that. all i am saying was it is a shame he did those sort of things, because this is a serious subject and we needed someone to really to do a serious job.

[edit on 9-7-2005 by andy1033]

posted on Jul, 9 2005 @ 10:00 AM

Yeah ! There is something to be said for hanging in there .
As for disclosure... I say drop Greer , and pick up on Geveard!
At laest A.J. Geveard can say mission accomplished!
Even if it only turns out that the CBU only got to see the files once , it proves that the Files existed! It proves that the 150 pages of Op Prato that we have ( on-line at are legit!)


First i'd like to say that i'm quite sad to see so much people be always negative and, because they see nothing coming, barking and bringing down things like Disclosure Project. So much lack of patience.

Brazilian government is not even comparable with USA. The existence of a shadowy government operating under the USA is evidence. Eisenhower told us about that 40 years ago. And the big media is without a doubt monitored (not to say controlled) by it. As long as this system is in place, it's gonna be very difficult to bring the truth, but not impossible. I also have to say that i think even the congress is afraid to look seriously at all this.

posted on Jul, 9 2005 @ 10:48 AM

First i'd like to say that i'm quite sad to see so much people be always negative and, because they see nothing coming, barking and bringing down things like Disclosure Project. So much lack of patience.

all the stuff in the public eye to do with aliens and ufos is tabloid stuff, and when you have someone that comes along trying to be serious about the subject, he first talks serious about ufos, but then goes of and then does all the tabloid stuff.
for plenty of people that want the truth to come out, it was an opportunity missed now, becuase in the future he is less likely to be believed by skeptics and the general public.

[edit on 9-7-2005 by andy1033]

posted on Jul, 9 2005 @ 12:02 PM
Dr Greer's been into ufology a long time and was one of the first with a science background (medicine).

Curious to know what 'Tabloids' you refer to regarding Greer?


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