posted on Aug, 23 2003 @ 07:13 PM
There is no such thing as reality tv, just big brother training videos. NWO has been getting people ready for a long time. Hell, they caused a black
out in US so they can get government/NWO agents inside to help"protect" the power plants. When in actuallity it is so they can cut the power off to
North America when they take over.
NWO will take over. When? Not sure. Hell, I may be dead when they take over. Or I may be dead when they take over because I fought the new law and
the new law won.(variation of I fought the Law song)
Anyways, NWO is a threat to people who want their freedom. To people who live in dictatorships, they won't notice anything. They have no freedom
now, they won't have freedom then. Just hope NWO does not get alien help, for then there will be no way to fight back.